Opinions on Trashed Lost and Strungout?

TL&S is simply awesome. I'd give it 9½.
Knuckleduster is "only" great. It's definitely COB quality.. the solos rule so much. 8½
Bed Of Nails is probably one of the best COB covers there are. 9
She Is Beautiful is a nice party track.. but when compared to the original one it could've been a lot better. It's too much alike the original version. 6½
TLS sounds like "Needled 24/7 part II" to me, which is definitely not a good thing. The vocals are crazier sounding (except for the chorus, which was an utter disappointment), but the guitar isn't really going anywhere anymore. I think the solos are the worst part of the song, they just sound like uninspired retreads of old solos. 4 / 10

Knuckleduster sounds like "Sixpounder part II", except with an unbelievably weak chorus... but at least it has a really cool solo. 4 / 10

She Is Beautiful is a fun little cover (also with an unbelievably weak chorus, but hey this is Andrew WK, what can you do), and it's had more listens from me than their actual songs (ouch). 6 / 10

Haven't heard Bed of Nails, unfortunately.

Basically, everything that made Bodom Bodom is now dead. Boo to the "Hatecrew" and esp. Alexi for taking the Pantera-route of trying to be tough. They should've broken up or stopped calling themselves Bodom after Ale left, like they always said they would. Ah well at least I can look forward to Sinergy's next album, if it ever comes out.
dunno I've only heard the songs: she is beautifull and thrased lost and strungout.

she's is beautifull cover: what is that punkrock there playing? nope not good not there style!! still a can listen to it I'd give it a 5

thrashed lost and strungout: hmmmm it's a bit diffrent. it has a few good moments. but they have better songs so that's a 6

in total a 6
TLS - 7 (Not that bad for the COBHC, not as good as COB. Something different)
KD - 4 (boring, to (s)low, not my cup of tea)
BoN - 7,5 (Cool, not as cool as some of the other cover songs)
SiB - 3,5 (I consider this as a joke)

Ohw, and the COB HC "Hate Crew band name Thing" is a little lame and childisch. I can understand that it sounds cool or evil when your a 12/15 year old, but I feel a little to old for that stuff. I prefer CHILDREN OF BODOM!!!)

It's also a shame that Roope doesn't play any solo if you ask me.
Roope plays the first solo in Knuckleduster.

Anyway... TL&S - This song gets an 8 because I like Alexi's vocals during the chorus. I also like the catchiness of the pre-chorus/chorus.

Knuckleduster - This song is just shitty. It's still better than many songs from many other bands so I can't give it less than a 6. I like the solo that Alexi plays.

She is Beautiful - 5. No comment necessary.

Bed of Nails - 10. So fucking awesome. The whole feel of the song is just amazing and I love what they did with the ending.
TLS : 9/10
KD : 8/10

I prefer Trashed ... to Knuckleduster , even though it is a good song to listen to when you are pissed off . ( With full volume of course :grin: )

Definitely not the best CoB songs , IMO , but they are OK .

Trashed is by far one of the best COB songs, it's amazing how they keep going after Ale left
For all you critics out there, have you ever listened to something wild?
Does the song In The Shadows ring a bell?
Even Allu says it's their worst song ever
Stop being so fucking critic
TL&S hmm, a 7.5 I think: like the song, but it isn't as good as the older COB song are
KD I liked less. I give it a 6.5
SIB is indeed a great song if you hear it under the right circumstances..Party!
BoN is just giving me shivers, a beautifull cover, but it's a pity the way the did the end. defenitely an 9
Trashed, Lost & Strungout is 9/10
Knuckleduster is 7/10
Bed Of Nails is 9/10
She Is Beautiful is 7/10. (Party song, it rocks!)

In total 8...
And of course the best part is the video, Trashed and Lost in Helsinki:D that's more than 10.
"For all you critics out there, have you ever listened to something wild?
Does the song In The Shadows ring a bell?
Even Allu says it's their worst song ever
Stop being so fucking critic"

Uh, yeah it does ring a bell... In the Shadows kicks ass, esp. considering how young and inexperienced they were. Too bad they don't make multi-layered story songs like that anymore. They seem to be too caught up in trying to be tough and cool, esp. with this whole ridiculous "hate crew" thing... I had very high hopes for this band from the beginning, but now... I'm pretty disappointed with them and where they're taking the band. To each his own, right?

With any luck the cd will have -much- more interesting songs than these.
AlexiCOD said:
For all you critics out there, have you ever listened to something wild?
Does the song In The Shadows ring a bell?
Even Allu says it's their worst song ever
Stop being so fucking critic

Damn, he said that? Then I have to stop liking that song :erk:

Dude, of course we're critical, we have expectations, and we don't swallow anything just because it says "Children of Bodom" on it.

It isn't awful. But it isn't in Bodom's league either. Pretty much everything in their music has seriously gone downhill lately, the playing, the composition, the solo's, Alexi's singing. But that’s all preference isn't it.

If any other band had released it. I’d think it to be pretty good. But when you have a backlog including some of the greatest metal releases of all time (in my opinion) you really have got to work hard and not let you own personal music tastes completely change your sound. Which is what I think has happened with Alexi. I’m all for evolving. But once you have a definitive sound that no one can touch like on SW and HB. You do not throw that away.

I think Jason said it best:
"Not that bad for the COBHC, not as good as COB. Something different)"