

Sep 3, 2002
Brussels/ Belgium
I have The Gallery and Damage Done by DT. I was wondering whether my next purchase should be Projector or The Mind's I. Thing is, I want something along the lines of The Gallery, and I have reason to believe that Projector stems away from such a sound. However, I have heard MANY a good thing about this CD. So, which one do you reckon I get? (And no, not both... there are other bands I wish to check out.)
well, The Mind's I is a lot like a tamer version of The Gallery, so if that's what you want, go get it.
Projector on the other hand is something quite different from both TG and DD, but it is a great album.
My personal advice would be to get Haven.
Get The Mind's I first...I wouldn't get Haven unless I had 20 dollars and I didn't know where to use them. Which happens rarely,if ever.

EDIT: I'm getting The Mind's I in the mail tomorrow :grin:
The Mind's I is generally more like Damage Done without the keyboards than like The Gallery, IMHO The songs are fast and short on TMI (except for Insanity's Crescendo and Hedon) and approximately the same amount of aggressiveness is present on both DD and TMI.

Projector, on the other hand, is something completely different. I like it more than I like The Mind's I, but that's just a personal preference.

If you like The Gallery and Damage Done, then it's probably best to get The Mind's I. Projector features clean vocals and if different than the other albums. After The Mind's I, I would recommend Skydancer/OCaEN, then Haven or Projector.
