Orange Tiny Terror for Metal - Yay or Nay?

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
Anyone got an orange tiny terror?

how does it stand up for metal?

I know its hardly loud or anything but does it push a decent amount of air through a 4x12? Is there a decent amount of gain on the little thing?

Just wondering - I've got a 6505+ and im well happy with it - just wondering how the OTT stands up regarding tonality or would you class it in the same rank as a digital like a spider amp because its lack of features and size making it not cut through.

Ohh juicy! i wana hear em!

I've checked out some YT videos but you know yourself the quality of cam corder videos and YT compression it gets hard to tell. An actual clip would be sweet.

If its decent enough i would consider picking one up for gigging with a small cab because trucking around my current 4x12 and that heavy as fuck 6505+, pedals, guitars and rack gear is causing my back to go into pain mode
I would say there's enough, but i also wouldn't be suprised if you wanted a smidge more gain. It's right on the edge of just enough gain. it's suited for opeth, if that means anything.
This tone is too middy to be mix ready (because of the Stiletto cab), but I'm still pretty proud of the tone I got out of the amp otherwise :cool: (2 tracks, with a TS in front, EMG81)
im liking the sound of it - especially the lead - i can see it sounding really creamy if there was example a slight phaser thrown into the mix at around 25% to saturate it slightly which is something i often do - thanks for the clip metaltastic

can anyone comment on its actual loudness? does it move much air in the lower freq's? And whats its breaking level?
Ohh juicy! i wana hear em!

I've checked out some YT videos but you know yourself the quality of cam corder videos and YT compression it gets hard to tell. An actual clip would be sweet.

If its decent enough i would consider picking one up for gigging with a small cab because trucking around my current 4x12 and that heavy as fuck 6505+, pedals, guitars and rack gear is causing my back to go into pain mode

Lol, hit the gym bro. A 6506, Recto, Powerball, while being at times a larger amp physically, have nothing on the weight of a JSX. Enjoy.
The one time I tried the tiny terror I didn't really like it, but it might've been the fact that I was trying it thru a crappy cab at the store. I thought the low-end was kinda lacking and the amp was kinda boxy-sounding. Could've been the cab, tho, because on Marcus clip it doesn't really sound like it lacks low-end.
Oh no, it was chunky as a motherfuck, and could get seriously loud :headbang: I really think I'm gonna get another one eventually, I would love to record it through my Recto cab to perfectly balance out those mids :worship:
TBH i went to the store to try this little bastard several times:heh:
mainly cause ,at the time, i was looking for something like that(small and handy).

You WILL need a ts, for some tightening and additional gain.
Otherwise it sounds really good and loud if you crank it up.At low volumes it didn't impress me.It didn't break at the volume i wanted it, to start the chugga-chugga:p

But i didn't mind that.....
The only reason i didn't bought it is that it sounded too British for my taste.