Ordered 300 cd:s and the manufacturer fucked up the track order

Great news. Glad to hear it got sorted out!

Bit of a thread hi-jack..

For the mastering guys, what prog's are out there for DDP mastering? One of the guys I work with just got asked if he can do it, for a reissue of one of his albums. He's found a few names, but I thought I'd ask since it's been brought up.
i import a LOT of all of our favorite commercial tracks in to my DAW directly from the CDs... and this guy's mix doesn't look (granted i haven't heard it) more heavily limited than damned near anything else i've been checking over the last 10 years.

so, maybe get off his back and do something pro-active instead, if you're so hopped up on the issue. you know, like go mix an awesome album with the dynamics and peak levels you like, and get the album out there and super famous so everyone wants to copy the way it was done, so you can turn the whole damned thing around, instead of brow-beating this guy for the same shilt you'll HAVE to do if you ever get a paying label job (because if you don't you'll be fired and replaced by someone who will).

just saying... this high horse some of you are on does not reflect a grounding in the real world as it currently stands... whether we like it or not. ftr, i don't like it, but it is what it is.
Glad to hear it went well in the end! I might grab a copy saturday, I just haven't figured out my schedule yet.

i import a LOT of all of our favorite commercial tracks in to my DAW directly from the CDs... and this guy's mix doesn't look (granted i haven't heard it) more heavily limited than damned near anything else i've been checking over the last 10 years.

so, maybe get off his back and do something pro-active instead, if you're so hopped up on the issue. you know, like go mix an awesome album with the dynamics and peak levels you like, and get the album out there and super famous so everyone wants to copy the way it was done, so you can turn the whole damned thing around, instead of brow-beating this guy for the same shilt you'll HAVE to do if you ever get a paying label job (because if you don't you'll be fired and replaced by someone who will).

just saying... this high horse some of you are on does not reflect a grounding in the real world as it currently stands... whether we like it or not. ftr, i don't like it, but it is what it is.

Haha, touché :) Though I think it was just some good-spirited ball busting.