Orphaned Land - recording ORwarriOR, a diary from the studio

Well, with all these TONS of Riffs and dozens of minutes of numerous string instruments, you really need some rythmic parts to "spice things up", don't you think?
So today we're recording the percussion parts for the album, varying from different Darbukas through Pakistanian percussions, castanets etc. The talented Avi Agababa is doing his finger magic again :-)

If we finish on time I might have a chance to wrap up some last ethnic instruments, including Chumbush :rock:


It's really great posting photos and updating from the studio. It's important for us to keep in touch and get closer with the band through the recordings session as the new album takes shape! Really appreciate it, thanks a lot guys!!!:)
hi to all orphans from turkey!
i know the album will be phenomenal! i can't wait to listen. we want to see you soon here!
loves to all..
Salam alekum and shalom alechem to all the orphaned warriors :)

The last days in the studio were dedicated to a cleanning process of all the channels, it was boring and technic, but it's a must.
This week we will continue to record, we are suppose to record a Santur (which is a persian instrument) and to start some of the vocals parts (finally!!)

We'll keep you updated with reports and photos asap.

Happy passover!
I'm so happy to know that recording is in progress!! Since I discovered Orphaned Land (some years ago) I've seen no new release... I love the previous music, but I'm really eager to hear something new!

Thanks for your music! It's not only fantastic for its own, but for what all it implies ;)