ORPHANED LAND - The new concept


Orphaned Kobi
Oct 15, 2002
These past months we've received a lot of suggestions with ideas and proposals for our next album's concept. We even opened threads regarding this topic in all our forums, and people from all over the world suggested many great ideas, many of them were excellent and certainly help us choose the concept we are beginning to sync to – Many thanks to all of you for the inspiration!
Soon Alon Miasnikov and I will start to work on the full story of the album, Yossi and Matti are already composing the music and arranging sessions with Uri and me to create the musical puzzle for our next release.
Throughout the years, and especially in the last weeks period, I've been researching this new concept in depth (for comparison, 'Mabool' was the biggest research we've done in terms of a single topic focus, including dozens of meetings and hundreds of pages of information from various resources). The research work for our future release is handled the same as I write these lines to you.
When I begun to write down this concept I reached a point where I'm writing 10 pages and it's not fully there yet, I changed my mind for 20 times whether the album should have a short name with a small explanation, or to "spill out" the full story behind the concept (which might certainly make some tired, and some highly thrilled with the in depth explanations). So I decided to go with a partial yet thorough explanation… the rest might be published one day in a book, should I decide to publish it one day in the future.
The next 'Orphaned Land' album will deal with the war of light and darkness. We've dealt with this topic in the past, yet this time the emphasis will be on the hero of this war – The Warrior of Light (Lohem Ha'or in Hebrew)

The album title will be:

The never ending way of

These days of the year are the best to reflect on this topic.
Every year in late December there's a day where the longest night and shortest day (light time) is measured, meaning that the days to arrive after that night are getting longer, and the nights turn shorter. Spiritual-wise, it's the re-birth of light and death of the darkness. Orphaned Land's comeback show in 2001 was exactly on this day, without us paying attention even to this fact. Some might say its coincidence; some will claim for a 'guiding hand from above', your choice…

It's not that by chance the Hebrew Celebrate 'Hanukah' around this date. Since 'Hanukah' is a holiday celebrating the miracle of light, we decided that it will be the best time to announce the news.

Why do we deal with the war of light?

- It's a universal topic and 'speaks' to the majority of populations in the world
- It can be reflected in many aspects of our lives (e.g. Love is identified with light; sickness is identified with darkness, Happiness identified with light and Fear identified with darkness, etc).
- The Oxygen we breathe comes from plants during the day time, while the opposite occurs at night, in the darkness
- When someone dies or appears very sad and down, we say that 'the light had gone from his/her eyes'. When someone's happy, their faces are glowing and radiating with light.
- If the question is born in the darkness, the answer is in the light
- In the movies we see, ever noticed that all the "good parties" come from places full of green and light, where there's happiness and a true smile, while darkness lies in dark castles etc, with very little light?
- The experience of people that have found happiness and answers to what they were searching for is called 'enlightening', no matter where they found it (In an ashram in India, a mosque, or simply in their heart).

The light is the source for everything on this planet; we are all sons and warriors of light. Even if we're not aware of it, we all fight for our right to shed light into this hectic world.

In 'Mabool', for example, the three heroes where well-aware of them being Warriors of Light, trying to find for mankind's right to awake and possibly turn back the faith of darkness being brought to earth by the flood.

In the meantime, many of us live in confusion, suffering and despair, full of sadness and being let down, leading to self-destruction and lack of self-security. We re-live the traumas of the past, while happiness stays "somewhere in the future". The "here and now" is almost inexistent in our lives.

The next album will outline the life journey of 'The Warrior of Light', as we send a call to awake the hidden and dormant 'Warrior of light' in each and every one of the true Orphans of Light,- the OrWarriors.

The album is still far from being ready, but we decided to share with you the first fruits ;)
Looking forward to it ;)

I may not post up on this forum, but I'm a big supporter of anything you guys do.

Here's hoping you'll come to Colorado, USA for the tour \m/
It's sounds great and I'll take all my patience to await the results of this wonderful idea!

בהצלחה חברים אורפנד!
hearing the news of the new album and consept is make me excited and feel good. i was already waiting for this news. thanks kobi, yossi, avi, uri and matti. thanks a lot.

There is no another group like You.
The new concept sounds great.
But the title sounds a little awkward. I suppose thats a combination of Orphaned and Warrior.
Good luck guys. The world needs your music. :)
OR in hebrew means - Light
and indeed Orphaned Land begins with - OR :)

The music will not be similar to mabool, we don't like to repeat ourselves, But the "orphaned spirit" will be there for sure :)
Maybe we'll get to hear a couple of new songs during the Wacken road show tour?
*fingers crossed*.
BTW, any information re tour dates and/or venues yet?
we believe you will do the best again.you are one of the best musicians i have ever seen. by the way we will be glad to see you in TURKEY in other words we are waiting for you :D.(sorry for my english)
Thank you for sharing the information. I am not surprised at all with this theme, it is really a big part of what the band is about.
I am looking forward to the translation of the theme into lyrics and music. How wonderful to see such a deep and positive message in these times :worship:

Ko_B said:
OR in hebrew means - Light
and indeed Orphaned Land begins with - OR :)

The music will not be similar to mabool, we don't like to repeat ourselves, But the "orphaned spirit" will be there for sure :)

OH! Excellent! -Worrior of Light.
I should visit this forum more often.
Now I am more exited about your new album! A warrior of light, what a bright on the way! What a light in the eyes, what a joy covering with warmness the dark, what a fight between dazzling moments and those that seems to petrify, what a hope inside!! The light in the dark…


Oaxaca. Mexico