OT - Exclusive interview with Anthrax Forum member JohnnieCzech

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland
1. How did you originally find the Anthrax message board?
Well pretty much just like everyone I guess I was browsing Anthrax.com and clicked. I don't really know when it was because I remember the old messageboard, not on Ultimate Metal but on ezBoard.

2. What are your earliest memories of posting here?
The thing about ezBoard...you couldn't say fuck, shit, cock, cunt etc. without being censored. Ass probably too. It's been better since Ultimatemetal.com.

3. As someone whos been here since 2002, when was it at it's best and when was it at it's worst?
Best...I'd probably say around 2003, the time of We've Come For You All. Worst? Probably spring this year haha.

4. We all know you prefer modern Anthrax over old Anthrax, could you do your best to describe what are the main differences between these styles of music?
It has to do something with "evolution" of music. I don't deny that songs like Madhouse, Among The Living or Caught In A Mosh are classics, I grew up on this era Anthrax. Since I was getting older, I grew out of those high-pitched vocals of 80's metal, you know, bands like Helloween, I don't listen to this stuff anymore (save for my all time favorites such as King Diamond). I find it a little annoying to be honest. The "modern" Anthrax was just more relevant and more appealing to me. What I liked the most on it was John Bush's voice.

5. What is your favorite record of all time and why?
This is very, very difficult question to answer. Probably "A Hard Day's Night" because this is what I listened to when I started listened to music. I was in the elementary school and spinned the fucking tape all over again.

6. You state that you are the coolest motherfucker on the board, what in your own words makes you better than the average poster?
Well I have to say I didn't come up with this myself. This is what T_Man357 posted in one of his post, I found it kinda funny to copy it to my sig.

7. Can you tell us what is your life like outside of the internet?
I live in a flat near the centre of Prague, I play drums for four or five bands here, from pop rock to extreme metal. Since this summer I've been "a free-lance journalist", I write articles for various magazines, mostly "men stuff" (FHM, Esquire), I interview some people for Czech European Union Newsletter, contribute to a blog paper which deals mostly with Czech politics (I'm kind of interested in it, but not as much as I used to be), I spend my evenings mostly with friends in various pubs, or rehearsing, or at a show. I've been single for a month or so, but judging from what's going on now it probably won't take much longer. I also love to cook. Pasta and stuff.

8. Assuming you're a fan of South Park, what are your favorite characters and episodes?
I think I know some episodes by heart, both in Czech and English. I wrote my masters diploma thesis about South Park, no kidding. My most favourite character, of course, is Cartman (whose isn't?), I also like Butters Scotch, Randy Marsh and Fat Abbott Show, too bad it appeared only in one episode. "Clubhouses" is my most favourite episode, followed by "Cartoon Wars", "Stanley Cup", "Proper Condom Use"... lots of them.

9. How do you feel about fightin over the internet, do you agree with "It's like competing in the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarted"?

I totally agree with the statement, these days I try not to fight. Sometimes you just couldn't resist, you know.


Brentney Spears - moderator

Deege - Dimebag Darrell

ironmaidenfan09 - dildos up guys asses

Matt Bello - common sense

Antwax - a fighter from Finland

Anthrax_Mosher - crazy

sufferer - cool guy

Trashard - funny

gerardomosh - latino

emtfhII - Clay

eighteeschick - cool chick

Trashard - see above

Vomit -fellow Bushthrax fan, likes to drink Blatz, I don't know what it is, beer? I haven't had a single American beer

whitey131 - cool guy

scottishthrax - good posts

DumbAss - Terrance in a T&P show

Whiplash402 - don't really know, sorry

spacebeer - Tankard, ThrashCore Fanatics

6er - planted here to stir some shit up

Black Thirteen - Scott Ian

Beer - Czech

Nu-metal - fad, pose

Family Guy - Cartoon Wars

American Psycho - This Is Not An Exit

The Bono - don't know what you mean, Bono? He should do vocal lessons instead of politics

Comics - not a big fan, I do like some old Czech comics and also "Maus", is it American?

The 1990's - high school, good music

Punk Rock - Bad Religion


Black Thirteen or Mr.Wu: Mr. Wu

Funny or serious Anthrax: both combined

Cocky or shy: cocky

Nelson or Belladonna: Nelson

Music or books: both

Elvis or Jacko: not a big fan of either to be honest

Simpsons or Family Guy: Simpsons, but SP thrashes them anyway

Long or short hair: long

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview! Any final words you would like to leave fellow Anthrax fans? Take it easy
Oh yeah? Well I can tell that I said The Bono because that's how that asshole introduced himself at the show I was forced to go to. Yes, really: "Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen, The Edge, The Bono." Fuck that hypocrite.
I agree with what you say about the evolution of Anthrax's music, or the reality of it being Charlie's evolution. I felt that SOWN was a massive leap from all before it, and I love Bushthrax as much as the next guy. After a long haitus, which was broken by the POT footage of the guy's supporting Maiden, I've been back to Joeythrax and I still love it.

Johnnie, I recall that you were very critical at the time of the reunion, and were vocal about it (including on the Milano board), do you feel now that it had to be done for $$$$ to save the band???
Johnnie, I recall that you were very critical at the time of the reunion, and were vocal about it (including on the Milano board), do you feel now that it had to be done for $$$$ to save the band???

Of course it was for the money and money only (and it's kind of ironic Scott and Charlie didn't have problems to admit the fact in 2009, when they wanted to keep Bush in the band) but I am not too sure it had to be done to save the band. I had some kind of insider info at the time and it appeared it had been a management decision to get some extra cash.
Of course it was for the money and money only (and it's kind of ironic Scott and Charlie didn't have problems to admit the fact in 2009, when they wanted to keep Bush in the band) but I am not too sure it had to be done to save the band. I had some kind of insider info at the time and it appeared it had been a management decision to get some extra cash.

Thanks. I thought that after touring WCFYA to death that they still owed money (to the label??), and that the "reunion" was the only way to generate $$$ to pay the debt.

I'll still be surprised if Joey is in the new record, and I would not be surprised if there was no new record!
They owed money to their merchandise company, Sony Signatures, as far as I know.

I would not be surprised either.
So, obviously I'm new here. Been lurking for awhile, but didn't want to get into it when 6er was here. Anyway, I just was wondering why you're interviewing the forum members here? It seems interesting, just curious.
So, obviously I'm new here. Been lurking for awhile, but didn't want to get into it when 6er was here. Anyway, I just was wondering why you're interviewing the forum members here? It seems interesting, just curious.

I stole the idea for the interviews from another forum I read. I think it's a cool thing to get to know who you're fighting with, so I decided to try it here.:cool: