OT - Exclusive interview with Anthrax forum member whitey131

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland
1. How did you wind up on the Anthrax messageboard? The link on the Anthrax page years ago. I think maybe after volume 8 came out? A friend of mine had the CD and I had no idea that they even made a new album. At the time they were looking for people to do street team work for them. I was pretty suprised by how small they had gotten.

2. What are your favorite memories of posting here? I didn't start posting until the reunion. There were a bunch of regulars that went ape shit over how bad of a singer Joey was. Even the admin at the time made shots about it often. I saw one of the first shows in Chicago and posted a review (positive)

3. Can you tell us something about your personal life? (home, work, hobbies,...) Sure, I'm been divorced for a couple of years. I have 3 kids that live with me full time, one with autism. The bulk of my time is spent chasing them around, getting them to wherever they need to be, cleaning, cooking, etc. I'm also a "change of life style triathlete." I used to weigh over 400 pounds and lost over 150 about 6 years ago. I usually bike (mostly on my indoor trainer) or run (treadmill) in the morning before I get my kids up and I'll swim a few times a week during my lunch hour.

4. If you were Anthrax's manager, what would you make them do after the tour? The logical thing would be to rerecord the vocals for their "new" album and get it out ASAP to cash in on any interest they created from the current tours but being that Joey's voice is so off from Dan's and those were written for a heavier voice I'm not sure I would go that route.

5. Here's a tough one: Can you name one movie with Danny Glover where he's not playing a cop who's too old for that shit? Wasn't he the president in 2012? I know he was a politician in shooter.

6. What are some of your favorite non-metal bands? I like Foo Fighters lately

7. What is the best song on pot? (Not the album) I remeber jamming Into to reality and belly of the beast a lot when I was younger. I would go with that.

8. If you could be a famous person, living or dead, for one day, who would you choose? I would be Salma Hyek, then I would just play with my tits all day.

9. What are some your favorite personal memories of Anthrax? I remember jamming SOWN while walking to work when I was a teenager. Anyplace but here was playing on my IPOD when I hit mile 26 at the chicago marathon. And, they did this show when WCFYA came out in Chicago Heights that may have been my favorite concert ever.

WORD ASSOCIATION: I took some out as I was drawing blanks.

Buddy_Love_Bomb Singer and pimp

timmyc South park's TIMMY!!!!

Jockthrax COCKthrax

Black Thirteen No longer likes people

Brentney Spears Didn't like him back in the day

scottishthrax could drink me under the table

MikeyBong gone...where did he go? He lived in the same town I do.

mrthrax cool guy

eighteeschick Gone as well

BratPrincess Gone

thraxx Mrthrax's son?

DarrellDethSDMF The man of 1000 interviews

ironmaidenfan09 Joey's #1 fan

JohnnieCzech Drummer and drunk

Trashard ironmaidenfan09's #1 fan

danaholica Dan nelson's drinking problem

Deege I have no idea what this word means so I assume it's slang for balls

Matt Bello Not related to Frank

DumbAss kind of a dumb ass

Arg Hamster Joe cartoon

Antwax Who waxes ants?

vomit Classy!

6er Was really Dan Nelson

spacebeer might still have a mullet?

Mosh pit the shame of metal shows

Rockumentaries I love them. I'll watch behind the music for bands I can't stand.

Restaurants I like to eat and I hate to cook

Calvin & Hobbes The orginal cornelis and tyler durden

Life its going well

Booze good in small doses


Cats or dogs:
dogs, cat's are for lonley women and dick heads

Budokan or Brixton: Budakan!

Elvis or Chuck Berry Gotta give it to Chuck

Food or drink Food, I mostly drink water

Funny Anthrax or Serious Anthrax Serious

Cocky or shy Cocky

Jeans or shorts Jeans

Money or happiness Enough money to buy happiness

Thank you for taking the time to do this interview! Any final words for your fellow Anthrax fans? I was wondering if anybody had anythoughts on who is the better singer?
LOL here's my mullet:

Kind of ??!!
I resent that. I am a complete and total dumb ass thank you very much!
I have a few spectors which are nice but really like my ESp/LTD viper basses. They're like $500 and just work well for me.
I have a few spectors which are nice but really like my ESp/LTD viper basses. They're like $500 and just work well for me.

I used to own a Japanese made (custom shop) ESP Viper, it was a good guitar but the balance was very awkward. It's pretty much inherent to the SG type shape. I have to say the balance of my Gibson Thunderbird could also have been better but it's not as bad as some say. I like Spector basses, but the real deal USA's cost an arm and a leg...
you're not kidding but the korean made ones play and sound excellent. They're a great value.