[OT] My Signatureamp arrived


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I'm not sure where to put this...rate my tone or equipment, so i decided to drop it here..feel free to move it.

!! yeah yesterday morning the parcel-guy rang and handed me the final version of my signature preamp...

couldn't be happier, it just looks awesome and sounds even better....
yesterday evening it had to compete with a recto at our bands rehearsal and it killed it ;)

it's a 3-discrete channel preamp, channel are midi-switchable.
the clean (sane) is based on a dumble, the crunch (dementophobia) is based on a soldano x88r and the lead (insane) is switchable between improved soldano SLO-clone and improved Engl (between Powerball and blackmore).
here are some pics:






i'm gonna record some real files within the next days, until then i loaded up some files done with a cab-impulse from guitarrig (mesa cab 1xsm57 center of cone on axis).
of course it doesn't do the amp justice, but it gives you the idea i guess...
all without a tubescreamer, just ESP EMG81/89 directly into Preamp

first one is just a rockriff i improvised, done with the dementophobia channel:
2tracks of rh-git, one lead git.
reverb and delay on lead, other than that NO fx or eq.

here's a sample from the insane-channel, 2 tracks in Solano mode100% L/R and 2 tracks of Engl-mode 80% L/R (way quieter).


Eq etc same as above...,none, just some reverb and delay on the lead.

sorry for that sloppy playing, but it's all first take and i didn't mean to record something about my playing, but about the sound ;)

#i didn't even play much with the setting, it's just the standard setting most of us use, i'll supply the exact settings if anybody wants me to.

so please leave a comment for now....
and be prepared for the real recordings ;)

thanks LSD
ruffy how many dollars does it take to get a custom amp like yours??:Saint:

sorry, don't really know, cause that company that's endorsing me didn't tell how much it would usually cost nor if it would be possible to let them build a custom amp to your specs.

but that ampbuilder uses only highest quality parts, so parts for a preamp are ruffly 1000 i guess, plus about 200 hours development and 20 hours construction or so....
I'm not sure how much that would be in total, that's why i'm so glad i dont have to pay it....i probably couldn't even afford the dome-knobs....
I'm a broke ass tho ;)
if you're serious about getting an amp made for you you should ask the more boutique builders, cause they're handbuilding their stuff anyways... but i guess you wouldn't come out with less than likje 10000 or so...
don't really know tho, never asked how much it would be.
What power amp were you using for the clips?

Never mind, I see you went direct and used an impulse...
How exactly did you get an endorsement? That's fuckin' killer. Congrats haha

That guy heard that I've been thru tons of amps (owned at least 25 different models and makes myself) and wanted me to test a preamp-prototype (the PR-1, pics somewhere here in the forum).
so I wrote a review, created some soundfiles and told him what could be improved....
then I told him he won't get that preamp back...(our other guitarist is playing that one now)
he said it's Ok, if I'd be willing to help him with the following models, too.
so we worked together on that preamp (...he worked, I told him what I like and dislike ;) )and finally that Subcutane Signatureamp is what came out. It was a Process that took about 1/2 year and was based on his original PR-1 circuit with some improvements.
So he sent me the final version which was 100% of what i wanted it to be, I in return will use it on our next Cd, mention him in the booklet and create a sample-library for his homepage.....
Shit that's fucking awesome. You're a lucky guy haha, I wish that shit would happen to me... Well good luck with that amp dude.
congrats on the endorsement man :kickass:

clips sound very cool as well...is that gonna be a production model, or is yours gonna be the only one?