OT: Post your poetry or writing in here

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
i mainly write poetry about whats on my mind, some depressing, some not... ill post what i got

The glorious ride in which I have taken
Has met its final destination
The stop has left me nothing but shaken
After my four months of dedication

Nothing could prepare me for the hurt, which followed
Many tears have been shed since you left me
My mental fuel has run on empty
.... My heart has once again been hollowed

I have enjoyed many joyous times with you
My love stuck with us so true
All of which I remember clearly
From each kiss to anniversary

The memories which once made me content
Even through this screwed up event
Have now turned to sadness
But I want you to have complete gladness

Words cannot express what I am feeling right now
To get over this, I know not how
To think you have just ended what we had
Makes me nothing but completely sad

Two poems complete and a song is half-finished
As my empty heart has been diminished
I don't know what will happen next
It always seems as though I am hexed

The past four months have been the happiest
But these past two days have been the crappiest
You completely changed my life
So this will never end in strife

Thank you for showing me love and care
But my heart has plummeted down the stair
I don't know what I will do
As I will never get another "I love you"

By: Will Bozarth
July 11, 2002
The Man’s Destiny

Man, living with his destiny ahead
Can never tell if he’s alive or dead
Living through his past which was once known
With his feelings hidden never to be shown

He has lived with an alternate name
He has lived with an alternate game
All he wanted was for people to notice him
But the response that was, was grim

His past was torturous and painful
Every corner he turned was hate-full
Where he looked for friendship, he got sorrow
His dreams of friendship fade like today for tomorrow

Who he was didn’t make him proud
He never wanted to be with the popular crowd
And in mistaking two assholes as friends
Gave him foreseen knowledge of how his future ends

When the friends said they’d back him up to the finish
The man got in a fight, which the man thought one wish
He saw his friends laughing and pointing
Their joy was obviously jointing

This man was hit hard by the acts of those
He made a vow not to trust the pros (those that are good at making those suffer)
Painful thoughts filled his head
Sometimes he even wished he were dead

Two years go by while living in their range
To another neighborhood he moved, nothing changed
After a week, he moved away from his troubles
And strangely, as more days passed, friends for him doubles

In his newly found neighborhood, people were friendly and kind
Those people were honest and the coolest people he could find
They showed the man what friendship really is about
Memories of the past for the man slowly left without

As the man journeyed with his newfound friends with the feeling of happiness
He finally realized what he has been missing that caused his loneliness
The thing that he wanted most from his old neighborhood disease
Was a group of friends he has now, like these

Will Bozarth
June 2, 2002

Who's at the door
I asked with yearning
A creepy sense in me follows
With a darkened fear that wallows

Quietly creeping toward the door
Without a single breath or whisper
As I slowly peaked out the hole
I realized out there is no soul

Quickly I scampered to the den
Where I was safe from fear and spooks
Yet another mysterious knock consumes the air
As I trample back to dare

Out the hole I peak again
But it was staring back this time
White as a sheet it was with transparent eyes
I got an overwhelming fear with cries

As I stood in disbelief
A hand soon grabbed through the threshold
But the doors were locked from within
There was no way it could get in

But as true as that was
The hand still reached through
Stretching for my arms and legs
Then it grabbed my ankle then came my begs

I cried for it to stop
I cried for it to halt
There was no way it was going to freeze
It grabbed at me like a deadly disease

In my mind I thought I would not make it
Then it pulled me to my doom
In a pool of tears I lie there shaken
From the nightmare I have awaken.

By: Will Bozarth
July 19, 2002
If I posted any of my writing, you'd laugh and kick my ass.
please tongue my flaming bunghole
my 'roids are acting up
my trap is sprung to trap your soul
on my anal corn you'll sup.

thank you. thank you very much.


Beneath the sheet of silence lies the fragments of a dream,
of words unspoken and deeds undone,
the wishes of a lifetime,
free from inhibition.

Within these shards is hope,
likewise broken,
with the wishes of the world,
gone ungranted.

The color slowly fades and the fragments lie cold,
not knowing how they fit in one another,
forlorn like Babel,
in foreign shapes and tounges.

And the black mists of time drag slowly on,
in dismal disrepair,
as life without hope -
is truly not living.

In the fading moonlight, 'neath the effervescent sky,
lies the dying muse enveloped in her blighted phrase,
as her tounge grows sour, slowly rotting in decay,
she raspily speaks final words of praise.

"To all that i've befallen, may your blessings never end,
as I have now become another shadow in the wind,
and though I was elusive you have channeled all my force,
and, now the last remaining word, 'rescind'.

I may not return, and you shall brace for nothing less,
for word may be forever gone and pen forever still,
with out me you will craft an even finer work of art,
and from the mass of jaded words, distill."

The muse now passes on into the fading strands of night,
and nothing left about her but the dust in which she writhed,
and slowly, sickened calm sets in about your addled mind,
and you retain the word that she supplied.
I've been writing poetry for a few years now, and I think I've grown out of touch - the two I posted are more recent works, though I haven't done anything in the last few months.

Your work, deadskin, is occasionally muddled in its wording...but is emotionally evocative and clear in that way. I'd like to read more if you have it.
Maybe I WILL post the Elbib... hmm...

Fuck. (required profanity)
Im not very good at it, but here is something i wrote, a bit from the whole thing actaully, its a song. Look ove rthe spelling cause im not going to take my time.

there's a door on the freeway
Different place, Different time
like the monkey in your head
Ive got a GOD in mine
Im stuck on the horizine of a solar vaccuum
Like the seed that I planted
I can smell your purfume

Now, this is part of a song/story. Its about time travel/loopholes in the fabric of space and time. Imagine driving down the freeway, and this weird floaty looking "gate" opened up and sucked you in. As i said, i have a whole song/story that goes with it. I cant remember the rest of it off the top of my head. ANd i dont feel like going threw my whole folder to find the paper its on.
weeeeell i wanted to post another poet of mine but i can't remember it now,i'm breaking my head for half an hour now
i found a piece i had written a couple of years ago,definately not my best work but the only i could find right now...

there are times life seems just too complex to live
when emptiness takes too much room inside
and apathy rises
and death mesmerizes
and slowly you let yourself drown
slip away
drift away
fall into nothingness and disappear...
But then again you must admit
There is this fear.
as time goes by you see it clear...
as simple as it seems
it never is
they'll never let you be erased like that.
And after all
was that the mission of your soul?
somewhere on the path you lost your way.
But paths don't fade.
So wipe your tears,take a deep breath,
Jump off your grave-we live again!
Originally posted by krymson
Your work, deadskin, is occasionally muddled in its wording...but is emotionally evocative and clear in that way. I'd like to read more if you have it.

i have another poem that i wrote for my ex... i dont know if i wanna post it or not, might strike some nerves, but the "Incomplete" one was directed to her, but not for her... if ya know what i mean... i dont have anything other than that, ill think up some more soon :)
HOLLOW (the leader)


"The feet of the greater being are on the stairs."
Let us whistle while we play
a game of one
where all are none --
Perfection in divinity.

With flesh and bone,
with knee on stone,
equilibrium is achieved.
And we are no more alive
than the rotting cemetary willow
with it's roots
nourished by the buried dead.


Who rules this land?
This cactus land of the hollow man.
Do his words ring true?
Does the shadow fall upon us all?
Do we feed on prickly pear?


Ropes on wrists,
donning cloth we are sightless,
beautification lies in black.
We are blind, we are deaf,
yet still we speak and move.
Do the eyeless fish sing as we do?

All for one and one for none.

We are the blind mice
more than three.
But yet
it is WE that hold the carving knife!

This is the culmination
of supplication
The offering
under guillotine.

**this poem contains references to T.S. Eliot and Aldous Huxley**