OT Sepultura

ThraxDude said:
It's okay, but it isn't worth $12.99.
On a 1-10 scale, I'd give Dante XXI a 7 out of 10.

However, the new Lacuna Coil is fucking great! 9 out of 10 for Karmacode.
so a 7/10 is bad? id give it at least an 8.5
i picked up three albums this week........so dante xxi i have only got through once the whole way, but i really liked it, not every track is a winner or anything but there were defo a few that grabbed me straight away, mainly the ones where igors drumming just seem to be on another level to the last few albums ...sure i will get into it in a big way......... (i just love seps, i liked roorback too, again not every track, but it was pretty solid, but it seems to be despised on this board :)

did the same with rob zombie too, only got through educated horses once so far, but man.....so far, i think it stinks, maybe it will grow on me after a few listens, but geez the rob zombie i love seems to have got all his horror shit out in the movies, big shame cos this album has no nuts to it whatsoever, he seems almost cheery on it.....booooooooooooo

and the third.......... i am so into show your bones at the mo, by yeah yeah yeahs.......not a patch on fever to tell, just cos its so mellow and no way near as risky or individual...., but hell its nice to smoke to :)
lokey said:
i picked up three albums this week........so dante xxi i have only got through once the whole way, but i really liked it, not every track is a winner or anything but there were defo a few that grabbed me straight away, mainly the ones where igors drumming just seem to be on another level to the last few albums ...sure i will get into it in a big way......... (i just love seps, i liked roorback too, again not every track, but it was pretty solid, but it seems to be despised on this board :)

I love the Roorback album. Not their best, by any means, but I thought it was the album where Derek's influence really started to come through. And, Dante takes it a step further. I think it's going to really grow on me and become one of my favourites by them. I still prefer Chaos A.D. and Roots, but Dante isn't far behind.
arise and chaos are my fave seps albums but like i say i love their stuff, i could listen to andreas play all day, and igor is just awesome, live hes like a heavyweight boxer beating the crap out of his kit, just slugs it.......missed him on the last tour for sure, mayorga was ok , very showoff type drummer tho

anyhoo, defo will be listening to dante a lot, can see it easily being a quick fave.......nation is my fave album of the derek years so far, but maybe thats gonna change very soon
JohnThrax said:
so a 7/10 is bad? id give it at least an 8.5
Well, it isn't BAD, but it isn't great. I'll listen to it some more. It doesn't suck, but I don't love it.
Lacuna Coil, on the other hand.... *starts a Lacuna Coil Thread*
I've recently bought Dante secondhand for 8 bucks (eat THAT, thraxdude ;) ), and listened to it once so far. I like it. I don't think Derrick is that great a lyricist/vocalist, although I like his hard-core-ish yell. I think the songwriting on this is the best of the post-Max records (from what I've heard). Andreas has a fucking brutal tone here. I like the overall sound of it--mastered well by George Marino. A bit hot, but not overbearingly so--still room for Igor and all of his crash cymbals. Sounds like a piccolo snare on some tracks. And they still have that nice, thick guitar/bass interplay that I fucking love on Chaos A.D. If they came around on tour, I'd definitely see them.
you should defo see them on this tour, they were awesome supporting in flames the other week and that was without igor on skins, with him back they'll be a hundred times better than thy were....which as i say was awesome :)

i agree that derek isnt a great lyracist. but his vocals get better with every record....and i think he does a real good job of the old stuff live.......man troops of doom destroys right now.....

really like the new album, one of those i like more, the more i hear it.......and yeah killer stuff from andreas and igor as always
I also like the cello bits they put in there. Some nice atmosphere, and the cello sounds great; reminds me of Apocalyptica doing Refuse/Resist.
I think its a 'good' album but nothing that is sticking in my CD player. Its definetely better than the previous Sepultura albums with Derrick. I just think his vocals sound to forced. If Max was never the vocalist I probably would like this a bit more. But knowing what Seps potential could be if Max was on the throne it turns me off a bit to this record

I like Dark Ages from Soulfly better than Dante