Other bands like Nile/Behemoth/Melechesh??

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
So everyone around here seems to be Hell Bent for Djent, and we had the Textures thread, but does anyone know of any other bands that invoke that B.C.E. vibe???

You know like Nile has their Egyptian thing
Behemoth has that Middle Eastern/Mediterranean thing going at times
Melechesh has their Sumerian shize.

I really like the vibe that these bands drip off when I gander at their stuff. Any other bands like this? With that ancient inspiration? I'm talking metal here or anything really hard rock related.

Well I've got a wicked semi for Nile and a full on rager for Behemoth, so I guess I should check out Melechesh, as well as +1 for any other recommendations!
Yeah, definitely check out Melechesh if you haven't already. They've got a very very nice feeling in the new album. Sounds like nothing else from the beginning to the end. Bands like that are few though. I guess most people are scared of instantly being compared to Nile. There's only so much oriental stuff you can do before the comparisons start.

I haven't heard Orphaned Land's music, but I believe they do some middle-eastern stuff nowadays. They're from Israel.
Haha, Oriental Tornio? I would say middle-eastern, when I think Oriental in metal I think, like, the harmony at the end of the solo in Nevermore's "Heart Collector" ;) I remember digging an Orphaned Land song I heard on a sampler; it was WAYYYY less heavy than Behemoth or Nile, but still cool, I'll check 'em out
No no no. Lemme specify.

I don't want Scandinavian shit haha. There's quite enough of you guys running amok. Although I'll admit that scene has spawned some great bands.

Hahaha! :D

Woke up an hour ago, and besides from the TV, this is my first laughter of today!

And on-topic: I don't think I know any bands to contribute to this thread with... but I think these kinds of bands are cool so I'll keep checking here =)
i also remember a band from france or so, that dealt only with the roma/spartanian theme, but i cannot remember their name right now.
also i dont remember if the music was even good :loco:
i also remember a band from france or so, that dealt only with the roma/spartanian theme, but i cannot remember their name right now.
also i dont remember if the music was even good :loco:

Hegemon - Contempus Mundi, I believe. It has a lot of ancient roman things and old war samples.

That reminds me, forgot to mention Rotting Christ, since they nowadays have a bit of ancient greek things in their music. Check out especially the albums Genesis and Theogonia. Sanctus Diavolos also has a few nice songs.
i also remember a band from france or so, that dealt only with the roma/spartanian theme, but i cannot remember their name right now.
also i dont remember if the music was even good :loco:

Kronos kind of gives off this vibe of Roman times of old. Maybe having to do with the lore of Kronos being the father of Zeus, but whatever.

Oh hell yeah, how could I forget? Kronos is AWESOME, especially "The Hellenic Terror". I haven't listened to their earlier work that much.
Ooh, and that Hungarian band "Rise" that James Murphy produced is fucking awesome, and definitely in the same vein - don't know if they've even released a CD, though...