Other Cd's


New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2005
Hey fans i have all sx cd's and was wondering what other bands that you know of that i could buy that are similar to sx?
Symphony X are 100% unique and no one sounds like them at all really.

Nearest are probably Adagio, Dreamscape and Time Requiem, but in style and musicianship only to a small degree. They're all good progressive bands though. Dreamscape & Time Requiem each have one cd out, and Adagio have two studio and one live. Check out Dream Theater as well if you haven't already. DT have... significantly more albums.
In the power metal realm, you will be quite satisfied with Evergrey. Start with Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy, then In Search of the Truth, then Recreation Day, then Inner Circle, then the first one Darkness something.

You will also like Threshold. I highly recommend Hypothetical first.
sknight said:
In the power metal realm, you will be quite satisfied with Evergrey. Start with Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy, then In Search of the Truth, then Recreation Day, then Inner Circle, then the first one Darkness something.
The Dark Discovery. And it's a great disc. I'd even recommend it over In Search of Truth, Recreation, and Inner Circle.

Rage, especially their newer albums Welcome to the Other Side, Unity, and Soundchaser. If you like SymX's heavy riffing grooving side (like Wicked, for example), you'll really dig those albums. Plus their guitarist, Victor Smolski, is an amazing virtuoso shredder, and is extremely tasteful with it. Their stuff from the mid 80s-mid 90s was way thrashier (some of it is boarderline Anthrax sounding) and then they did the whole symphonic thing on XIII and Ghosts (they were the first metal band to ever tour with an orchestra).

check out some of the samples on www.rage-on.de and also their guitarists' website www.victorsmolski.de (I reccomend Down, War of Worlds, Unity, and Straight to Hell)

PS - Peavy Wagner has the ballsiest fucking voice out of anyone in the "powermetal" genre (if you wanna call them that).