Bands similar to SX


Mar 9, 2010
Albany, NY
I know there is no band that sounds exactly like SX but what do you guys think are some bands that sound sort of similar? Early Rhapsody and Blind's Guardian's "Nightfall" sort of remind me of SX.
Adagio. It's much more neoclassical than SyX has ever been though. I think Underworld is their best; the others aren't a must have.
Seems like you're referring to the larger-than-life feel of the concept/music...if so, Virgin Steele is a good first stop. Not nearly as technical as SX, but IMO they're even better melodists and have a similar style (and they have mythological/narrative themes as well).

Seconding Adagio/Circus Maximus as well, they definitely take some cues from SX. Redemption occasionally does as well. You might consider Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force, too, but most of his stuff is bland.
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There is a band in Trondheim, Norway, that is like a second Symphony X. They are very talented and they sure got the skills! Check out Tellus Requiem!!
I'm checking out all these bands. So far Virgine Steele is my favorite and I just bought the Invictus album.

^ I'm listening to Tellus Requiem now and damn these guys deserve to be HUGE. I'm gonna buy their album on itunes when I get more money. Thanks everyone!
Adagio, Myrath are two that come to mind and both bands are really awesome. I like Suspyre as well but I think they're different from SX.

There are some other bands that might be a little more neo-classical that are somewhat similar in style to SX but more along the lines of Adagio.
Time Requiem, Space Odyssey, Artension and an old band called Apocrypha.
suspyre- seriously the instrumental parts are ok but the rest is grooveless a typical power metal
HOW DARE YOU RAZOREDGE! Haha! It's nothing like any other power metal out there...
I've also been in search of music similar to SX, but have had only limited success. Most of the suggestions I get are all neo-classical; this is fine, but but I like SX's blend of progressive and hard rock (at times) with the neo-classical elements. My favorite SX albums are V, Twilight in Olympus, and Damnation Game, though that is definitely not to say I don't like the others.

As far as what I've found so far that I like: I second (third) Myrath's first album, as well as Redemption. You may want to to check out Pathosray's first album as well--It's much more thrashy, but if you like good, technical hard rock you may like it. I really enjoy the guitar riffs in some of the works of Pagan's Mind, but you have to get past the vocals.

I have to agree with Suspyre being "grooveless typical power metal," though. There are some great musical bits, but their songs are too long and start to sound the same. Their sax player is also flat as hell.

I'm going to check out the rest of the bands mentioned here in hopes that they're not all just 90-100% neo-classical.
I prefer my progressive bands to be somewhat different and I believe why I only seem to like SX, DT, FW, Threshold and Savatage the rest seem subpar and/or mix and match clones. But I havent listened to or bought anything by these other bands because the few samples didnt stand out as being very origional. I've usually prefered the pioneers and shun the rest in most forms of music, not carved in stone but they seem to be easiest to appreaciate.
Regarding the Suspyre, they have gotten more interesting with they're newer efforts. The "grooveless typical power metal" comment makes me think of the first disc, the newer material is pretty cool IMO.