Future Bands

When Wolfmother arrived on the scene they were accused of being just a ripoff of Led Zep and Black Sabbath - as if that's necessarily a bad thing. If someone unearthed a previously unknown Zeppelin album would we not listen to it because "meh, it's just more Led Zeppelin"?

The difference is that Wolfmother is not as good as Black Sabbath.
Cross-genre music in general, I think, is the future.

Yes, as in: fuck genre-imposed limitations. If a note feels right, right it down.

What I would like to see more is music for the sake of the music; performances by people who can really perform.

Music with essence.

because if you're good at something what is so wrong at still doing it?


LOL @ Malmsteen. Still, he is good at what he does (including recreating the 80s...), whether you like it or not is another matter.
great showman, I found it interesting that he appears to be a big dope when I origionally suspected he would be quite intellectual.
I have a coheed and cambria record and I hate it! I don't really see how they are prog, though. They sound more like my chemical romance meets fallout boy or something to me. Maybe a slightly darker version of all american rejects at best.

I really wish metal would get more exposure these days like it did in the mid to late 80's. Instead of another "I got pregnant at 15" show, MTV should have an hour long show just showcasing lesser known metal music videos from bands like Rhapsody of Fire and Symphony X. I don't believe a band can really make it on just myspace and youtube. It takes a ton of money to put a band on a world tour and to make high quality records. There is definately a market for metal, especially in Europe and South America. The industry just wants to shove Justin Bieber down our throats as if he is the pinnacle of music.

As far as innovation goes, what more could you really ask for? I'm sure people in the 1500's didn't ever imagine things such as synthesizers and electric guitars. As for now, I am perfectly okay if 99 percent of all modern prog metal bands sound like Mind's Eye and Pagan's Mind. If it isn't broken, why fix it!

Someone told me here a few weeks ago that future generations will not look back on today's albums as mere mp3's hacked off a torrent but will see the vinyl records just as now the modern generation looks back at the vinyl records and CD's of the 80's and not radio hacked cassetes. Ipods and MP3 players are great for say listening to while running or on an airplane, but they are jokes in comparison to a record or even a CD.

So like I was saying, I think this myspace/facebook/mp3 nonsense will be completely dead by the end of this decade and I really hope that the big cats will realize that there is no further innovation left to be seen so they will just say "let's tell them that retro is the next big thing" then maybe CD's or vinyl will become the fashionable thing that "everyone has to have". Like maybe there will be shops where you can custom the record and put your own pictures or whatever on it and put whatever songs you want on it, because we all know the general population are too stupid to want to listen to entire albums...

But I'm really just saying that no matter what format music is or will be on, there needs to be more promotion. Hardly anyone is going to spend hours searching for myspace bands or youtube bands. Like I said, most of them are blessthefall or Devil Wears Prada imposters anyway. I'm saying like a record company similar to Roadrunner and Metal Blade who have a great reputation and are willing to take big risks with new bands should multiply. When Iron Maiden and Metallica retire for good, people will be wanting a new band to follow and pretty much in some countries devote their entire lives to! Myspace and youtube may in some cases help a new band get on its feet, but that's not gonna pay the biannual album or world tours.
Tommy Emmanuel is awesome, what the guy has besides wicked dexterity, total physical speed, coordination and skills is groove, most amazing rhythm. Another one of the rare few that becomes the music.

Tommy fucking wails....heard he might have a little 'tude about his playing, but if can back it up (and he can!) I don't have an issue with it :worship:
Wow... that's some pretty cool stuff. I like it.

Ever heard of Unitopia guys... their song Tesla is pretty cool.
I always thought IMO that cross genre music was Prog. Its not all about 30 minute songs, and odd time signatures.

You're right. Prog was originally thought of to just mean "other". It had no limits and didn't really fit into any other genre or style. I think in the early 70's with Yes's "Close to the Edge", Jethro Tull's "Thick as a Brick" and ESPECIALLY Genesis' "Supper's Ready", prog really became it's own unique genre. People always expect an epic song that has many key changes and crazy time signatures. I have no problem with it, though. I love epics.
Anyone enjoy some Floyd?

Yes! Floyd is what got me into prog when I was in the 6th grade. I saw a tribute band who played the entire DSOTM album with all the videos and lights and they even had the huge pig fly across the audience. I haven't really listened to them in a few years but I recently bought the wall concert bootleg from 1980 and it was insane! I had only heard about the wall concert, but had no idea it would be such a spectacle. It was like the Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show for prog!

EDIT: does anyone like the band Discipline?
I think if they were an instrumental band, they'd have been so much better! Their vocals sucked hard in my opinion. The music of course was grade A though, especially that slide guitar solo in High Hopes!
I liked Gilmour's vocals.

I just dislike PROG and so extensively long meandering tracks lost my interest. As did those whose purpose it seems was to augment drug use rather than stand alone