What about the freaking updates???

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RobbM said:
Not everything Dev makes is that great...especially DTB...but SYL rules..
I don't agree there, i actually think everything he makes is great. But still, point being, he manages to get albums out, tour, AND have a perfectly working website....
The Yngster said:
you're arrogant for thinking that SX owes you anything, and you're dumb for even caring about updates, it wont make the album come out any sooner and when something worth knowing about happens jax will tell us.

Exactly. well spoken.

The Yngster said:
what kind of updates do you guys want?

"Today the band recorded some vocals for a track"

big fuckin deal, why is that news worthy?

" today, jason rullo recorded a drum fill for the time of 2- 2:05. Russ sat around and worked out vocals while drunking coffee with two cups of sugar. "
Wow, a 5 second long drumfill... Awesome!

EDIT: And two CUPS of sugar.. Man, i've heard about coffee with sugar, but never sugar with coffee....
I know you're frustrated, Ursut. But bitching and bringing the rest of us down isn't going to make things happen faster.

There is so much great music coming out each month to keep us occupied. Just a bit more to go. :) So close! Just hang in there, man.
MrFast said:
I think MJR would be the one drinking coffee constantly :lol:

Anyways, I'm taking a break from this nonsense and going to eat. I suggest you all do the same.

You didn´t seem to think that this thread sucked when you wrote that you felt "sad inside".. Nor did anyone bash you for writing that 4 years was just to long. :)
RequiemX said:
I know you're frustrated, Ursut. But bitching and bringing the rest of us down isn't going to make things happen faster.

There is so much great music coming out each month to keep us occupied. Just a bit more to go. :) So close! Just hang in there, man.

I feel that I must defends Ursut a bit... Had everyone written like this in the first place, this thread would have ended at page 1.
RequiemX said:
I know you're frustrated, Ursut. But bitching and bringing the rest of us down isn't going to make things happen faster.

There is so much great music coming out each month to keep us occupied. Just a bit more to go. :) So close! Just hang in there, man.
I don't understand how that brings the rest of you down? This is my personal thoughts and feelings. And sure you're right, there's tons of good quality music out there, but don't we all just want the new SX? :kickass:
Might I recommend:
1. webster.com (it's free!)
2. Getting a swift kick to the ass (this is free too!)
3. A psychological evaluation (unfortunately this isn't free)
Most bands don't give any updates when they're in the studio. Be happy for the ones that they did give us. The CD will be done when it's done; knowing how far along it is won't make the process go any faster, so just calm down and wait. I don't understand why it's such a big deal to know exactly what the band is doing each month while recording anyway.
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