Other Death/Black metal


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2003
I've recently just gotten into some death metal a few months ago. I like Bodom, In Flames, Into Eternity, Agalloch and getting into Soilwork. I also like a few black metal songs, such as:Dimmu Borgir-Pronegies and Dissection-Where dead angel's lie. What other stuff shoud I check out, ease me into it though.
well, since there isn't any actual death metal in there...

death - go get all of them, don't question it, do as i say!
vital remains - dechrisitanize
cannibal corpse - butchered at birth(barnes on vocals)
cannibal corpse - vile(corpsegrinder on vocals)
cryptopsy - just go get all of them

black metal

emperor - go get all of them, but get prometheus last, its fucking awesome, but get it last
immortal - sons of the northern darkness, damned in black, at the heart of winter
darkthrone - transylvanian hunger

thats a good start
He's right about Death. Get them all. Start with Symbolic as it's the most accessible album to a melodic Death fan.

Then get Carcass - Heartwork. Amazing Melodic Death album.

Next up is Atheist with Unquestionable Presence. Great album. Nuff said.

For Black Metal, get Immortal's At the Heart of Winter. Aside from that album, I dont really dig Black Metal. Well...of course I love Venom if you'd like to call them BM.
Dissection are one of my favorite bands; and if you held a gun to my head and said I couyld, and HAD to pick only one favorite band, they just might probably be it. Check out ANY dissection album; Storm of the Lights Bane and The Somberlain are both incredible.

For other black metal, Marduk are in the more brutal vein for later stuff; more black at the start of their career. Darkthrone are also a classic: A Blaze in the Northern Sky is a true classic album that any fan into black metal should hear, and one of my personaly top 5. Any Emperor is good; but the old stuff like Wrath of the Tyrant or In The Nightside Eclipse are my personal favorites. Gorgoroth are an excellent, more old school sounding band; my favorite from them being Under The Sign of Hell. For UBER raw, Beherit from Finland; they are VERY low prodctuon and wicked sounding.

ALso out of Finland are Sargeist(their 2003 album Satanic Black Devotion was one of my favorites that year), who consists of members of Horna, Behexen and Satanic Warmaster(also some good Finnish black metal). You also might want to try out The Black(Sweden), hard to find but has Jon Nodtveidt of Dissection in it. Ophthalamia, who is the brainchild of It of Abruptum, is almost old school doomy black metal. Even sabbathy at times.

As for some death metal, Benediction is some great old school death metal; as is Pungent Stench(almost cock rock death metal, if that makes sense.) Gorefest(Erase and False) are some good old school stuff, and Vital Remains is always a good listen(their last album, Dechristianize, was really good.) Jungle Rot have an old school sound, and for some technical death, try out Decapitated, Yattering(both from Poland), Necrophagist(Germany, and their guitarist/vocalist is astounding), and if you are in the mood for some more melodic black metal, Anorexia Nervosa of France might gain your interest.

hope i gave you some info there. :)
I would definitely recommend Dissection for Black Metal, one of my favorite bands of all time, and like Fenrir said both the Somberlain and Storm of the Light's Bane are excellent.

If you liked Progenies then check out some more stuff off of Dimmu's latest album, Death Cult Armageddon, though most of the "true" Black Metallers hate it, i happen to enjoy it and if you liked that song then you would most likely enjoy it as well. Though, if you want an album that has plenty of clean vocals get Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, it has a lot more.

And of course Emperor you must check out, they are another of my all-time favorites and legends in the scene.

If you want to go the less progressive, tr00 route, then check out Immortal. the earlier stuff(Battles in the North, Blizzard Beasts) is much faster and more brutal, and the last three albums featured a lot more growth while still retaining their own personal stamp.

As far as Death Metal is concerned, definitely start with some Death. The earlier stuff may be much tougher for a new listenener but stuff from Human and Individual Thought Patterns is a bit easier on the ears and much more musical than earlier stuff. Also try Opeth, not quite Death Metal, but a great intro into the style.