I proclaim today melodic death metal day!

Jun 10, 2002
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In honor of the bands that made death metal accesible to me, I will play my Soilwork, In Flames, Arch Enemy, and At the Gates cds todays, despite not listening to them for quiitte some time. I think its been a few months actually. I got out of the whole melodic thing when I got into Atheist, Death, Cynic, etc., but I think I might invest in some of the death metal D's for old times sake:
Dark Angel
Dark Tranquility
Darkest Hour
Dissection if they count

You know the ones. Hooorah.
Strike up the bands! :rock:

This weekend for my birthday I made an MP3 mix of In Flames, Opeth, Soilwork, Haunted, Dark Tranquillity, Arch Enemy, At the Gates, Katatonia, Bloodbath, Entombed and cranked it at random with my girlfriend for hours. A day of melodic Swedish death.