WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKS YMIR!!!! :eek:)
Oh, and welcome :eek:)

The site works after a while, for you who
didn't get it up; try again! :eek:)

Well, I have all those songs already, but
if I didn't I would start crying, cause I
HATE Realplayer! >:eek:P Hehehe....
Oh well....
I'm really ignorant when it comes to this but, how do you download mp3s from mIRC :confused: [/B][/QUOTE]

Shit.... OpethianSoul; Will you take this one? >:eek:P Hehe....

I pressume you've been chatting on mIRC before, right?
You know all the basic stuff?
Then what you need is to go on the right net :eek:)
DALnet and UNDERnet have some great mp3channels,
like #mp3_metal :eek:)
You go there and search for what you want....
You know, if you pm me it would be much easier >:eek:P

I think I'll pm you! hehe....
*all sorts of angry noises*

i'm giving up, i still don't get anything :mad: i'm number 58 :cry:

I still prefer to buy original stuff...
me too. unfortunately here in Chile CDs are hard to find and expensive but i sworn i won't copy any CDs unless i have no choice :D