

Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
I think that Otyg is really cool and I specially like their song Holy Diver(specoally because it's the only one I can understand since the others are in swedish)
I think I like otyg a little bit more than vintersorg(tho it's the same guy and all)
I am someone...! :D

Nah Blackspirit, your in need of some cookies and milk, Here, I just made some...:)
-phyros (throwing in a hug for safety reasons *big hug sent to blackpirit*, I hope they don´t take it at the boarder...:) )
I heard Otyg took a break but I didn't know it was for sure(unless I read it in a magazine I believe it) that sucks
well at least vintersorg is still going on and borknagar is still there.

hugs are cool,specially when you are allowed to take hands a little bit down the hips
hmm but not in Otyg's death related situations......those require warm and friendly hugs :cry: *hugs sent to Blackspirit* I hope they dont take it at the border........:p
Originally posted by Phyros
I am someone...! :D

Nah Blackspirit, your in need of some cookies and milk, Here, I just made some...:)
-phyros (throwing in a hug for safety reasons *big hug sent to blackpirit*, I hope they don´t take it at the boarder...:) )

Hmm... you think they will count that as too much cheap liquor? Maybe those hugs looks a bit scary, or suspicious, 'cause it's metal hugs. -Suspicious indeed! They wouldn't know that metal heads are just the nicest ppl there is... :)

Hugs from me to!! To avyone who needs one. :cry: Well, otyg WILL live on; in our memories!!!
so many bands have been breaking up and we still remember them with fondness in our hearts
my example is at the gates,and tho I have been only listening to Otyg for like 3 weeks I am sure they will stay in my heart for a while
the next time I get a beer I am gonna make a toast in the name of Otyg

and sorry for opening the wound again
@manuelgv... I am actually doin´that right now! Sooo, Cheers OTYG!

-phyros ( är detta ett gravöl? )

Edit: @ Fjelltussa... Prolly will count as something illeagal anyways...;) And Yeah, Metalheads are nice, but I still get those suspicuos looks from old ladies... HMmm, just reminded me of a post I have yet not written!
Everyone who doesn't know any metalheads seems to think that they are so cruel - and un-nice (funny "word" :p). But when WE get old, then there won't be like that any more, now will it? Old ladies being afraid of you, I mean? Cause the ones who are old ladies then, will know better. :D LOL

I played Otyg - Sagovindar's Boning this morning before
going to work, and it gave me SO much energy!!!
I'M IN LOVE WITH OTYG!!!!!! :eek:))))

Group hug!!!???!?!

*Sends out warm, loving, and almost crushing hugs* :eek:)))