Noone here that could send me the MP3´s (that is, not RA´s)through anything but mIRC? That is, if someone got ém in Mp3 :) It´d go fast... *please, I´ll be a nice guy*

-phyros (needs his daily Otyg fix)
Originally posted by astarte
I was going to mention that we could trade MP3s making this the friendliest forum in UM ;)

Lol, I wouldn't mind :o)

I have an ftp, but not everyone can get files from it.
It's weird, cause everyone with the right password
can get in, but sometimes they get this error.
Having problems with listing the files or something
it says :o/ If anyone know how to fix this problem;
please pm me! >:o)
Originally posted by Morgana
I would be grateful if Otyg would do a release of all their demos on one cd! I would buy it right away!
That would be great! It would also be great if Andreas thinks that's a good idea too *hint* *hint* :grin:

edit: whoo!! #10 now.. finally!
oh! but shared folder in icq it's just crap for lots and lots of stuff...you have to put all the files in that folder (a shame when you don't have enough space in that hd!)
ftp is the way (even IRC is so great too!!!!!!)
please, could anybody send me the complete playlists of otygs 3 demos, "Bergtagen", "Galdersång till Bergfadern" and "I Trollskogens drömmande Mörker"?
also, did anybody hear about the otyg album: "Djüvulen" and the tracks "Kontraktet" and "Dans le Bekulla"?
Thank you
Before I'm off to the gig, just a little note.... 16 hours for 19 songs (Otyg and Borknagar, songs you can't buy regular) and no sleep at all for 31 hours, aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! *me being stupid*
How do I manage the next 9 hours without sleep? I dunno... "pillow", my head just keeps saying "pillow"... :cry:
Hi everyone,

I got all three Otyg demos on cassette from Mattias Marklund some years ago. I transferred all of into wave-format on my computer and burned CDrs of them - with fairly good sound quality. I´d gladly make mp3s of all demos and upload to those who want, but the thing is that back then I had a very crappy CD-burner, so when I try to rip audio of CDs burned by it, I get some sort of ASPI-error or similar. I´m not sure, but I should have mp3s of these three demos somewhere (made before I deleted the original wave-files), but damn, it´s not easy finding a specific CDr in a room filled to the brim with discs, let me tell you. I´ll search yet another time if there is an interest for it. Btw, I promised Mattias I would not distribute the third and last demo, but I don't know how serious he was.

The tracklistings, which someone requested, are as follow:

Bergtagen (1995)

01 - Det Var Höst - 0:46
02 - Trollmånens Väg - 2:17
03 - Stentorsröster - 2:06
04 - Galdernatten - 2:51
05 - Skuggan på Åsen - 1:15
06 - Bergtagen - 2:52
07 - Septembersång - 4:20
08 - Vid Skogstjärn Står... 2:13
09 - Bäckafärden - 3:09
10 - Otygets Tid - 2:23

I Trollskogens Drömmande Mörker (1996)

01 - Vitterstigen - 2:32
02 - Vinterväsen - 2:56
03 - Fjälldrottningens Slott - 3:17
04 - Norrut - 2:40
05 - Driven ur Fjället - 3:37
06 - Genom Obanat Rike - 3:47
07 - Frostmarkstoner - 2:55
08 - I Trollberg och Skog - 3:33
09 - Skymningsdans - 3:11
10 - Sorgbundna Sekel - 1:53

Galdersång till Bergfadern (1997)

01 - Galdersång till Bergfadern 2:04
02 - Fimbulfolket - 2:58
03 - Trollpiskat Ödemarksblod - 2:57
04 - Ulvskrede - 2:59
05 - Älvadimmans Omdaning 3:08
06 - Fjällstorm - 3:03
07 - Myrdingar - Martyrium - 3:25
08 - Allfader Vise - 3:59
09 - Härnadståg - 3:52
10 - Blåkullafärden - 2:55
11 - Nordbloss och Gasteld - 2:23

Most songs here are VERY good, although they lack the soundquality of the studio CDs of course.

Stentorsröster, Genom Obanat Rike & Härnadståg are really outstanding tracks that would have fitted very well on Älvefärd.

A 2 CD-set with all demos re-mastered + some live songs or something, would be a wish come true.

If you read this, Vintersorg, I urge you to consider it!


Fjällets gnom, betyngd i ålderdom. I bergets valv, vindens alv, rik i fattigdom.
You could snail-mail them to me if you can´t make ´em to Mp3s...:grin: I am in dire need of those songs... And Yeah! I´d like to urge you to consider it too Vintersorg... :grin:

phyros ( :grin: all the time, love that emoticon :grin: )
Originally posted by David Å.
Galdersång till Bergfadern (1997)

01 - Galdersång till Bergfadern 2:04
02 - Fimbulfolket - 2:58
03 - Trollpiskat Ödemarksblod - 2:57
04 - Ulvskrede - 2:59
05 - Älvadimmans Omdaning 3:08
06 - Fjällstorm - 3:03
07 - Myrdingar - Martyrium - 3:25
08 - Allfader Vise - 3:59
09 - Härnadståg - 3:52
10 - Blåkullafärden - 2:55
11 - Nordbloss och Gasteld - 2:23

WHOA!!!! THANKS for the tracklist of that cd!!! :o)))
I'll start looking for it on audiogalaxy >:oP
OooOOoooh! I'm such a criminal!
Originally posted by David Å.
Hi everyone,

I got all three Otyg demos on cassette from Mattias Marklund some years ago. I transferred all of into wave-format on my computer and burned CDrs of them - with fairly good sound quality. I´d gladly make mp3s of all demos and upload to those who want, but the thing is that back then I had a very crappy CD-burner, so when I try to rip audio of CDs burned by it, I get some sort of ASPI-error or similar. I´m not sure, but I should have mp3s of these three demos somewhere (made before I deleted the original wave-files), but damn, it´s not easy finding a specific CDr in a room filled to the brim with discs, let me tell you. I´ll search yet another time if there is an interest for it. Btw, I promised Mattias I would not distribute the third and last demo, but I don't know how serious he was.

The tracklistings, which someone requested, are as follow:

Bergtagen (1995)

01 - Det Var Höst - 0:46
02 - Trollmånens Väg - 2:17
03 - Stentorsröster - 2:06
04 - Galdernatten - 2:51
05 - Skuggan på Åsen - 1:15
06 - Bergtagen - 2:52
07 - Septembersång - 4:20
08 - Vid Skogstjärn Står... 2:13
09 - Bäckafärden - 3:09
10 - Otygets Tid - 2:23

I Trollskogens Drömmande Mörker (1996)

01 - Vitterstigen - 2:32
02 - Vinterväsen - 2:56
03 - Fjälldrottningens Slott - 3:17
04 - Norrut - 2:40
05 - Driven ur Fjället - 3:37
06 - Genom Obanat Rike - 3:47
07 - Frostmarkstoner - 2:55
08 - I Trollberg och Skog - 3:33
09 - Skymningsdans - 3:11
10 - Sorgbundna Sekel - 1:53

Galdersång till Bergfadern (1997)

01 - Galdersång till Bergfadern 2:04
02 - Fimbulfolket - 2:58
03 - Trollpiskat Ödemarksblod - 2:57
04 - Ulvskrede - 2:59
05 - Älvadimmans Omdaning 3:08
06 - Fjällstorm - 3:03
07 - Myrdingar - Martyrium - 3:25
08 - Allfader Vise - 3:59
09 - Härnadståg - 3:52
10 - Blåkullafärden - 2:55
11 - Nordbloss och Gasteld - 2:23

Most songs here are VERY good, although they lack the soundquality of the studio CDs of course.

Stentorsröster, Genom Obanat Rike & Härnadståg are really outstanding tracks that would have fitted very well on Älvefärd.

A 2 CD-set with all demos re-mastered + some live songs or something, would be a wish come true.

If you read this, Vintersorg, I urge you to consider it!


Fjällets gnom, betyngd i ålderdom. I bergets valv, vindens alv, rik i fattigdom.

I'm interested here in those three demos too :) (actually snail mail prefered)

And indeed a very good idea with the 2 CD set !!!
Hello Vintersorg... *hint hint* :grin: