Our troops need help

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I have to say that picture is pretty funny.

I'm at the Signal Academy at Fort Gordon right now, and Kerry was the talk in class among all the troops. I'm a dedicated Democrat, and I couldn't support Kerry's comments. It's just unwise to make jokes, no matter the benign intent, that involve the troops.

I'll have to share that pic with the rest of the academy. :lol:
Tap_Legion2 said:
"Glad" we are in Iraq?

I don't believe that for a second.

They are glad to be there...Glad because we are taking on the Terrorists rather than doing NOTHING, like what happened when the world trade center was first attacked under the Clinton regime. Because of the lack of action they got a second chance and were successful.

Again, as I stated before, if you dont believe me, log onto www.usparatroopers.org and ask them for yourself. You will get some replies from troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'm sure theyre "glad" that 100 of their fellow soldiers have died in the last month for no reason whatsoever other than being roadside bomb fodder for Bush and his war profiteering buddies.

"Doing nothing".

Kinda like not doing anything for a month prior to 9/11 with a written memo warning of an attack.

"Doing nothing".

Like taking a month to get any troops into Afghanistan.

You remember Afghanistan yeah?

The place where ALL of our military might should of been focused , not Iraq.

A military front where over 700 million dollars were diverted to begin the supply lines for an Iraq invasion 2 years before it came to fruition.

There were NO iraqis involved with 9/11

Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11

Now the Taliban is regrouping instead of being annihilated.

Now I know how the armed forces felt like when the WhiteHouse didnt pay heed to Patton's insistence on marching into Russia.

Its like somebody said earlier...the only thing Kerry is guilty of is bad comedic timing. Nothing more.
Tap_Legion2 said:
Got a link to his statement ?

All this started because the WhiteHouse spin doctors , in their last ditch effort to save their Congressional asses, took what Kerry said out of context and made it sound like he was criticizing the soldiers , instead of the miscreant in the Oval Office.
It can't be taken out of context, he said what he said, he admitted he used a bad choice of words. My apologies, it was Dick Durbin that compared our troops to nazis, soviets and khemer rouge. Kerry called our troops terrorists.


Why is it that Democrat Harold Ford said Kerry needs to apologize, did he take it out of context as well? If a republican says something wrong the left wants to ask for their resignation, but if a Democrat says something wrong it's always taken out of context. You people like that word :lol:
Tap_Legion2 said:
"Glad" we are in Iraq?

I don't believe that for a second.

There werent any terrorist cells attacking Americans in Iraq before this needless waste of money and human lives , now its the ITT tech college of how to blow up as many Americans as possible 101.
That country was full of terrorists, living happily under Saddam, after his fall his puppets created a terrorist nation to prevent change. They fell easily during the initial attack for a reason.

Everyone I know over there believes in their mission, they see what kind of country it is and they want to help change it for the better. Maybe we can take the Clinton approach and let them come to us so we can fight them on our soil instead of over there. All Clinton did to fight terrorism was use million dollar missiles on twenty dollar jungle jims. Bush is taking the fight to the exremists, involved with 9/11 or not, they're all extremists hell bent on our destruction. I saw first hand what terrorists do in Beirut in 1983, of course you blamed Reagan for that and not the extremists...
Tap_Legion2 said:
I'm sure theyre "glad" that 100 of their fellow soldiers have died in the last month for no reason whatsoever other than being roadside bomb fodder for Bush and his war profiteering buddies.
Obviously they are not FUCKING GLAD about the deaths of their comrades in arms...Tone down your rhetoric and lets have a civilized discussion. This kind of statement is completely uncalled for. Normally you have very intelligent posts...why drop down to shit like this?

"Doing nothing".

Kinda like not doing anything for a month prior to 9/11 with a written memo warning of an attack.
There were many warnings but nothing specific. What would you have done?

"Doing nothing".

Like taking a month to get any troops into Afghanistan.

You remember Afghanistan yeah?
Absolutely I do! Many of my personal friends fought there. Lets see the soviets spent 10 years there...got their asses handed to them...before that the British got their asses handed too them. We take the country in a month and that's not good enough for you huh? And how fast is our military supposed to be able to deploy for a war? Are you going to vote for an increase on military spending to make our military more effective?

The place where ALL of our military might should of been focused , not Iraq.
We are kicking ass in Afghanistan. Anytime the Taliban tries to move it is hammered. We took a country that had never been taken before. It was a mighty military victory and one we should be proud of! And it was conducted by only a handful of special forces and combat controllers on the ground with Air assets. Simply amazing.

A military front where over 700 million dollars were diverted to begin the supply lines for an Iraq invasion 2 years before it came to fruition.
Sounds like Rhetoric to me...show me the proof of this..

There were NO iraqis involved with 9/11

Saddam had NOTHING to do with 9/11
True but the fight against Islamic Fascists is happening right now in Iraq, and its a battle we MUST win.

Now the Taliban is regrouping instead of being annihilated.
Absolute nonsense...the Taliban can't even mount an effective campaign. They constantly get hammered.

Now I know how the armed forces felt like when the WhiteHouse didnt pay heed to Patton's insistence on marching into Russia.
Schmidt_Rubin said:
That country was full of terrorists, living happily under Saddam, after his fall his puppets created a terrorist nation to prevent change. They fell easily during the initial attack for a reason.

Initial attack? You must be referring to the "Mission Accomplished" era yeah?

There were no terrorists in Iraq, Just waring tribes that have been there for thousands of years....there's no changing that fact. The only thing these people understand is brutality , nothing more. Iraq is a money pit and a lost cause from the onset. Bush the 1st reitterated as much in his biography.

As for the 700 million , here's a link to the facts:


"...Gets to a point where in July, the end of July 2002, they need $700 million, a large amount of money for all these tasks. And the president approves it. But Congress doesn't know and it is done. They get the money from a supplemental appropriation for the Afghan War, which Congress has approved. …Some people are gonna look at a document called the Constitution which says that no money will be drawn from the Treasury unless appropriated by Congress. Congress was totally in the dark on this."

As for the "beaten" Taliban getting its ass kicked:


Amazing what money from illegaly smuggled Heroin can do for a bunch of defeated religious fanatics and war profiteers huh?

Just answer me one question.

Explain to me how fighting a war in Iraq can in anyway shape or form protect me or anyone else in America's freedom?

I'm curious to know an answer.

This is why I hate politics. People always end up pulling away from each other and instead of doing anything productive, they spend a good deal of their time pointing fingers to the left or to the right. It doesn't matter who is president or what party they are aligned with, they will never have the capacity to please everyone. Not only is it a complete impossibility, but some folks are just so hard headed that they really don't care if things are in fact headed in the right direction, only that they didn't vote for the s-o-b and they sure as hell aren't going to support his actions. Besides, if you think the Pres is the lead mover and shaker in the gov't, you're sorely mislead. Could this country function without an official "head of office"? Sure, why couldn't it? They just wouldn't have any one person to blame when things went wrong. If you want to point fingers somewhere, point them to the corrupt individuals that have the power and influence to take us where we really don't need to be going, all the while lining their pockets with more cash than they can shake a stick at. Presidents come and go frequently, but there are many many others that stay in office for a long time. Those are the ones who are most out of touch. Those are the ones who influence the Pres, be they left, right, conservative or liberal. The Pres does what he is allowed to do. I'll leave you to figure out the consequences.

In parting, I have a few questions:

1. Name one Pres with a 100% approval rating throughout his entire term of office.

2. Name one war that we involved ourselves in that everyone was supporting.

3. Name one president in recent history that did everything he promised to do when he was campaining.

Let the head scratching begin.
Schmidt_Rubin said:
If everyone stuck their head in the sand like you this country wouldn't be as free as it is.

I make an opinion and you attempt to insult me, grow up. An opinion is like an asshole, everyone has one.
Tap_Legion2 said:
Initial attack? You must be referring to the "Mission Accomplished" era yeah?

There were no terrorists in Iraq, Just waring tribes that have been there for thousands of years....there's no changing that fact. The only thing these people understand is brutality , nothing more. Iraq is a money pit and a lost cause from the onset. Bush the 1st reitterated as much in his biography.
So you've been there? Have you served? You seem to be a middle east expert. Your average farmer, worker with the extremist attitude becomes the terrorist, the Republican guard that retreated and absorbed itself into the population.
Just like the American Revolution, commoners put down their pitchforks for muskets.
If the Demokrats take over again now with their huge investment in American failures, then it will be Able Danger re-lived on steroids and then when Osama Binladen calls up to talk details of another attack on America then the Government will be compelled to hang up in order not to violate the new constitutional rights afforded to terrorists that want to kill, convert and enslave the infidel Americas who let their women walk around without covering and that they are allowed to speak, drive and vote too...

It’s all about who’s in control of the world; us or them and they have the patience and the will to do it.
Archmagician and Schmidt you got to understand that when you talk to these guys they are not interested in facts, all they are interested in is to just have their godless leaders in control. The Demonrats will, lie, cheat, twist and bend the truth and do whatever it takes to prevail, like those slaves in the Matrix movie would kill rather then give up on their delusions of living in real world.. I’m telling you it’s pointless, because they have no desire to tell the truth. Take Colmes, for instance, you can show him the video of Kerry calling the U.S Army a bunch of Nazi killing terrorists atrocity committing criminals, and he will reply with “Kerry never said that… bla bla bla”… Their useless and have nothing worth contributing in the arena of ideas and civil discourse.
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