overdone & annoying metal cliche of the day


my hair could beat you up
Feb 12, 2003
shut up about the writing on the wall already
I only heard nevermore use this line, and i must say it is very cool, i am going to call my side project writing on the wall, this is very troo!!
There are clichés in all genres, like

- dragons, swords and mighty heroes in heavy and power metal
- vampires and blood in goth and some black metal
- muuuuch blood and darkness in black metal
etc. :)

@bloodfiredeath: :lol: He knows the truth :p
How about band photos where everybody's hoding up their middle finger. Damn! Is that shit worn out or what?
I never get tired of putting up the horns, though! \m/ That's just as worn out, but for some reason I don't mind it.