Who's The Most Annoying Person In Metal?

LordFireworm said:
What's wrong with Ihsahn's wife?
I've read a few interviews with her and she seems pretty cool.

Well his music has changed to the bad from my perception, and the music he has written with Ihriel is not my taste. There are so many excamples of bands that fucked up because of a girl. Sepultura, (Phil marrying Alice)Pantera, Nirvana, beatles, Dream Theater(Hey Petrucci said himself he aint got time for practicing like he used to) .... Its just that its anoing.... Musicians loose their spark when they are married usually.
Despite th three tons of herb he smokes a day, Chris Barnes isn't that bad. Listen to his early stuff with Corpse, you gotta respect the voice.
Besides Varg "Im beyond Nazi" Vikernes is the most annoying person in metal.
lars ulrich - mainly due to the fact that he made himself look like a complete idiot as well as a dishonorable person when he sued from napster. plus he looks like his boyfriend ricky martin.

chris barnes - honestly, six feet under, six feet who? "the blink 182 of death metal" - quote

gene simmons - can you say kiss condoms.

james hetfield - very obvious when a man of his character doesn't "get it".

kirk hammet - "metallica outgrowing your previous fans wallets"? with a statement like, who would love to be your friend?

jason newsted - nothing more than a overrated bass player who got lucky. plus, joining up with voivod doesn't make you metal, or artisticly free.

fred durst - let's be honest, red yankees cap, it doesn't get anymore annoying than this ladies and gentlemen. oh wait, when he opens that hole in his head which is easily confused to be his ass.

johnathan davis - i can honestly say that this is the single reason why we have garbage laying around the floor.

corey taylor - ok, gwarknot, let's get a couple of things straight, first, you are idiots in masks who deserve to be shot while shopping for groceries, second, gwar was here while you were sleeping in your math class, and finally, third, you need to have your prirorities straighten out, you are a crapcore band, not a metal band, and do everyone a favor and tell #7-11 to stop wearing the immolation shirts, its a disgrace to REAL Metal.

phil anselmo - ok, this is going to be my only evidence:

The Official Anti-Pantera Website

also, as a sidenote, anselmo, your not extreme metal, and never will be, so go back to your cowboys from south beach.

Marilyn Manson - enough said.

Varg Vikernes - has some good approaches to thinking, but like with hitler, bad reasons. and the fact that a perosn that has brown eyes doesn't mean you see their butthole doesn't make much sense now does it mr. i am evil.

The Idiot that runs Metal Edge - what can i say, just read the magazine, and you too will know about the many wonderful, epical, adventerous journeys to the grocery.

Captain CAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVVEMAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!- so much potential to be in a death metal band as well as being the most metal hanna barbera cartoon character, but settling to be in a crappy cartoon that airs in the flinstone kids, a shame indeed.

Yngwie Malmsteem - with a name like that, who doesn't see it coming.

Slayer - once champions of a throne that was almost impossible to overthrow, now the rulers of muffin land.

Hatebreed - if you see their fanbase, you will understand why. plus they all look like fred durst.

Roadrunner Records - my goodness, with so many fatalities of some fine metal bands (fear factory, deicide, machine head, etc.), you wonder whos the crackhead in charge of that label.

Linkin Park - Nothing original about the diarreah you spew from the wonders of your buttholes, which is also known as mtv. plus, you really need to drop the whole "we're not korn" gig, its obvious the pumas are evident.

Adema - who?

Century Media CEO - ok, anybody who loves mtv and is at the helm of the most powerful record label in the world needs to get his head either checked by the local shrink or caved in with a baseball bat.

Anthrax - once one of the 4 superpowers of thrash, now the USSR of thrash metal.
Phil Anselmo
Cory Taylor
Tim "Ripper" Owens -you will never be Rob Halford
Thats all off the top of my head.
Plenty more
Okay this Anselmo battering has got way out of hand. Sure he says some stupid shit when his wasted, but he is quite reflected in interviews and shit when he is sober.

And he is the meaning of Metal. Phil is metal. Amen!
Yeah i agree with tal shiar, i cant fucking stand hatebreed and all that "tough guy" hardcore crap. Their fans are all cocks, trying to act hard all the time and singing about honour and shit like that, its on a cheese level with power metal, and dont get me started on hardcore dancing...
None_So_Vile said:
So who is the most annoying? apart from me of course because im just the obvious choice, so anyone apart from me....
hi I am Ena and I whant to meet you
Lars Ulrich
Fred Durst - he just annoying in the music buisness, wouldnt say metal.
phil from ex-pantera.
the guy that fired everybody from stratavarious (sp?)
tal shiar agent 930 said:
fred durst - let's be honest, red yankees cap, it doesn't get anymore annoying than this ladies and gentlemen. oh wait, when he opens that hole in his head which is easily confused to be his ass.

You sir, are the 8th wonder of the world with that amazing wit.
Hmm, I agree that most of the poser fucktards like Fred Durst and Johnathan Davis are annoying, but they aren't metal (unless you're an MTV fucktard).
So, the most annoying person in metal is Varg Vikernes. I can't stand fascism, plus the fact that he decides to change his entire world view every few years just makes me wonder what the fuck is up with him.