Who's The Most Annoying Person In Metal?

None_So_Vile said:
So who is the most annoying? apart from me of course because im just the obvious choice, so anyone apart from me....

taugh one when it comes only to ONE person...but I would say Dave Mustaine, LARS ULRICH (bloody bastard burn in hell!!!) or the breeding of these two...gg...
ummm...the guys from slipknot...they're hypocrites...

"we dont wear masks for attention blah blah blah..."

so why are you wearing them then???

"we are metal metal..."

just cuz you have influences doesnt mean thats what you play ;)
Pantera really get on my nerves

What the fuck!!!! Pantera are true metal, always have been (we'll ignore the power metal years) they don't claim to be anything else, so how the fuck can they get on your nerves!!! If you can give a reason then fair enough, but until then........
.....well that's all I got. Back to the post however, the most annoying guy is probably Axl Rose, merely for the fact that he's a whiny little bitch that could have had it all, but instead decided to throw a fit every show and attack his fans. Fucking prick can burn in hell :hotjump: