Overheads mics?

Rodes seem to get a lot of love here, but I've always been under the impression they have nasty highs, probably from what I've read elsewhere and reviews. I've never used any, though, so I don't know.

Joly Modded Oktava MK012's slay EVERYTHING.


I hope this is true, b/c I've been GASing for a pair of these for a long time, and I'm hoping that will have me set for SDCs forever (besides getting a reference SDC)
what about the beyerdynamic stuff?

i'm looking for a pair of decent overhead mics, too....shouldn't be really expensive, but should also be versatile enough to perform well on many kits (metal only though) so i won't have to upgrade soon, or get another pair.

any suggestions?
Anyone know anything about sennheiser e614's? I already have a set of the oktava's but want something for ride/hats. There's a guy selling them for 200 euro here.

I've used oktava's and NT-5's and would happily live with either, the oktavas seem a little more open to me and a less sterile but the NT5's were nice and clear too.
A couple of things:

- I have 800$ for 7 drum mics.
- I can buy the ATM450's (500$) or the NT5's (420$).
- I have a Shure SM7b that i can use as a kick mic.
- I need at least 4 mics for snare and toms.
- I can only buy from amazon.

So, i have 800$ budget. Help me buying a decent drum mics with it.
A couple of things:

- I have 800$ for 7 drum mics.
- I can buy the ATM450's (500$) or the NT5's (420$).
- I have a Shure SM7b that i can use as a kick mic.
- I need at least 4 mics for snare and toms.
- I can only buy from amazon.

So, i have 800$ budget. Help me buying a decent drum mics with it.

In that case, I'd get the pair of ATM450s ($440 on Amazon) and the Shure bundle that includes a Beta 52 and 3 SM57's ($360 on Amazon). This way you've got professional-level mics that you won't want to replace anytime soon, and you'll save money buying the bundle over individual mics. Not to mention that you'll have a variety of mics to use on other things as well.

OH - ATM450
Snare - SM57
Rack - SM57
Floor - SM57
Kick - Beta 52
Hat, third tom, or bottom snare - SM7B

My two cents.
Well in that case...Id go with whatevers cheaper for OHs..prob the NT5s!

and yea dont use the SM7b for a kick mic, use it for hihat or something higher than the kick drum!

and that bundle mentioned above would be great!
I'm buying a matched pair of OHs in a couple weeks. I want them to double for nylon string, and other stereo aplications(xy,AB) too. I'm leaning towards the Atm450s, rather than the Rodes--only because I haven't heard a Rode that I've liked yet. Anyone use either pair on acoustic guitar, and how do they compare to the SM81, which I have used?
A couple of things:

- I have 800$ for 7 drum mics.
- I can buy the ATM450's (500$) or the NT5's (420$).
- I have a Shure SM7b that i can use as a kick mic.
- I need at least 4 mics for snare and toms.
- I can only buy from amazon.

So, i have 800$ budget. Help me buying a decent drum mics with it.
I like the D6 on kick. Get a 57 for sure fo snare--and those senn 604 clip-ons are excellent for toms on a budget. I have cheap mxls for Ohs--$200.
I'm buying a matched pair of OHs in a couple weeks. I want them to double for nylon string, and other stereo aplications(xy,AB) too. I'm leaning towards the Atm450s, rather than the Rodes--only because I haven't heard a Rode that I've liked yet. Anyone use either pair on acoustic guitar, and how do they compare to the SM81, which I have used?

the nt5 will sound a lot softer/darker on acoustic guitar than an 81. sounds great solo'd up, but gets lost easily in the mix. TBH, i prefer the sm81 in pretty much every application where i've tried/used both.