Own Pictures Thread

Ustrel said:
I was going out to a fetish night. LOL

I'm so bored now that school is done for the summer..
loving the smile :wave:
Yeah, like the taste of music, the humour, and all.. and what's so wrong about appreciating a hot girl anyway?
Did that go astray with everything else.. I mean, are you so retarded you dont even feel that? I really pity you.. and you're from Manchester, too. Damn
Tut Ankh Amon said:
Ustrel, pay attention for now i'll teach you a secret about what men say:

the three of them just said you've got pretty hot body :p

^ LOL thanks for the heads up:tickled::loco:

IconOfSin, Profanity and Taliesin thank you for your comments.:headbang: you guys rule:worship:

Soon I will post a link to an mp3 of my band... I want to know what you all think of my skills. lol
Some new pics of me from last saturday...

Drunk, next to a buddy, looking at a punk-girl, while listening to a punkband...I look like an ugly latin-girl...^^


Attacked by the punk girl, my friend tries to teach the band more than 3 chords...
