Own Pictures Thread

The crazy thing is that it's all homemade on a regular comp and all. Remember when the Diablo 2 cinematics were rendered on monster computers that normally only the Nasa uses? Good thing times change :p
Taliesin said:
The crazy thing is that it's all homemade on a regular comp and all. Remember when the Diablo 2 cinematics were rendered on monster computers that normally only the Nasa uses? Good thing times change :p
dude, my card, which is about 3 years old, can easily render in real time something that was rendered in 14hours/frame 10 years ago
it's fucking amazing
and today, they can render ABSURD stuff in real time

of course HDRI keeps pushing it and all, but damn
we're close =D
Taliesin : You play tricks with my eyes ArrrG :p

Good work seriously...really impressive!


I fowarded your link to some of my buds here at Ubisoftl. It goes like this...

-"O.O…. wow"

-"Pretty fuckin amazing indeed"


Just FYI....

hmm anyone?


so tr00