Own Pictures Thread

for the guys that were asking for boobs and the chicks that were asking for guys:

OK. That does it, I'm starting a petion so that your current ISP and ALL FUTURE ISP'S you try and set yourself up with ban you EFF. Millions of years of evolution and thousands of years of advances in technology, and you use it for..... this. :puke:

@Tal: 5 minutes? It only lasted 30 seconds for me.

Oh well. *Shrugs*
I know. I'm sayin' 30 seconds distraction for ME is impressive. I do believe that is the longest period of time in succesion that I have gone WITHOUT thinking of sex since I was........ 15?

EFF should be proud.

Now go and read your other thread already grrl! :p
^agreed!!!! *retch*

okay, here's a couple more of me...with some friends...out of last year's yearbook, which is why they are grainy:D **note: i am wearing heels in these ones so i am actually shorter than i appear!**


^'twould be Samuel, my British friend from Nottingham...taken in the school hallway by a friend as we were wandering around the school early one morning before school.


^ok, these two guys are Adam [middle] and Jefferson...taken on one of those school spirit day thingies...i think the theme on this particular one was "Dress To Impress", lol
:lol: Haha, the shades own, man! You should wear them all day every day :D

Here's me >ing you:


Somebody please make a moving .gif thingy of these two and send it to me :lol: :
