Own Pictures Thread

I posted this yesterday on the DT board but maybe some of you are interested as well :p
Northern Viking said:
As some of you may know, I moved away from home, to a new city and stuff. Im living 350 kilometers away from home now and Im studying to become an Economic Engineer. I uploaded some pics.. they're rather big though :Smug:

My room before I got my stuff in:



Where I am, the mess isnt far away!


Relaxing after so much hard work ;)


Me, wearing the Finnish Icehockey jersey :)

So much for now :p I'll post pics once I get to make this room look presentable..
So you own your own stallion? or does it belong to your parents or sth like that? whatever, i envy you ;) But i have 3 great ponies as well, so.... ;)
WOW ! ! dude has ponies ! I don't believe you..
I have one black stallion, a shetland pony (87cm high) :)
my mother has a stable and I'm a rider, a good one. ;)
We have 1 black stallion (160cm high) this one http://www.jouhi.net/img/kangasala050904/imagepages/image2.html
then we have 1 black gelding, It's Otto (177cm high), 1 brown gelding, Baseball (2nd and 3rd pic), 1 grey gelding, MayDay PomPom the last pic) he's actually a pony (147cm high). And then there's this Tenson, he's a stallion, owned by Klaus Karppinen, so Tenson isn't mine to own, but he lives here in out stable and I go to competitions with him (and the others as well).
quite hard to explain...
i LOVE that stallion! fucking good-looking! I think i just fell in love ;) And what ya mean with "dude has ponies, i don't believe you" was that meant ironically? I'm a girl btw ;) yeah, i'Ve got 3 geldings, one you can see in the "post pics of your pets"-thread.... Unfortunately, i don't have much time to ride (school and shit like that) and I'm no good rider, never took any lessons, learnt everything from my parents. whatever....
I don't have time to do anything else, than ride..! I'm the one whó takes care of our horses and stable. There's now 11 horses, private horses, or how do you say it in English, well anyway.. I go to night school, 17-20 (21.30) from Monday to Thursday, so horses are my life and future. Dressage and show jumping, both. :)

I shall go and see those pics.. ;)