Own Pictures Thread

delt said:
and bob, i don't need to see that hideous burning picture every time i check this thread......
what are you talking about? what picture?
@brokenWings, beautiful horses you've got there :) Reminds me of the times when I used to train trotters and had my own darling Lady, unfortunately I don't have the time to do that anymore... But as soon as my little daughter gets a bit older I'll buy a horse, that's for sure!
delt said:
looks like bob found himself a new girlfriend =) hey, keep the other one of those 2 beauties for me :loco:
the other ones taken. . .

well both of em are now, for that matter

*whistles innocently*
@brokenWings: oh wow! your horses are beautiful! you're really lucky, the closest thing i ever had to my own horse was a palomino quarter horse on my aunt's ranch in Wyoming...his name was Sunfire. i rode him a lot when i went down there [every summer between the ages of 8-13] he was a good ol' gelding - literally, cuz he was quite old. he died this past summer, though...and i wasn't able to visit the ranch this summer:(
delt said:
sorry........ i was talking about that picture of a guy burning. reminded me of how my girlfriend died.
oh shit man. . sorry, ill take it out :cry:
thanks a lot, for everyone ! :)
And HalfpintHenkka, I'm sorry for your lost.. :(
3 of our horses are gone already, and the last one was veeeery dear to me, and I haven't got over it yet. he died 19.9.2003 and it was Friday. But life goes on...
Lil bro, you are your daughter are adorable together!

And Brokenwings: You do indeed have some pretty horses there! In Philly I could never own a horse, but there are places to ride them at least. Though I am...erh, very clumsy and wouldn't trust myself for any length of time on a horse. I had one friend with a stallion whose dad was a Clydesdale...now THAT was a big fella! :)