Own Pictures Thread

altough it has some words alike, it's not related. French is a roman language while Dutch is a Germanic language

Dutch is frankish, to be precise, which happens to be the branch of the germanic languages that influenced french most heavily - explaining the similar *sound* :p

Besides, how the fuck would I not know they're not related. As I said - I can understand some french, but from dutch, fuck all. :p
Huge pics!




yeah, nigga stole my nose and mouth sorry

u have some pretty features but the light hides your face, dont be shy :p
:lol: needed to be bumped
dude you act like photoshopping pics was a new thing.. just because joe enjoyed that photo of you giving your virginity away to an old man doesn't mean anyone's plotting against you :lol:
minions... :rolleyes:
there's no plot against me, i know

that doesn't mean you aren't a minion ;)
yawn. just because you gave your special gift to an old man witha folex doesn't mean you aren't faithful to codi.