Own Pictures Thread

:lol: I saw that cute blondie guy and i was like OMG we have a new hottie on the forum, but it turned out to be Ingrid's sig :Smug:

Gonzo.. if you're Jesus, then where's Mary? :erk:
^...there's this book called... The Bible :lol:
anyhow, doesn't proove anything. Can you proove Satan exists? :Smug:

People can believe in anything if you ask me, god, satan, pasta... whatever, it's their life :)
I see... *shakes head*

why is it then so difficult to believe that some people have the somewhat of the same feelings about something they call Jesus?
there actually wasn't

do you have proof that he did?

There is a great amount of evidence that he did exist (obviously in the writings of the new testament but also non-christian sources as well) Whether you like to believe he was anything other than a normal guy is up to you, but any historian will tell you that such a man did exist.

I'm talking about valid sources, historians, scientists, etc.

you can find "valid sources" telling you all manner of different things regarding history and they have no more evidence than the claims they are trying to refute. There are scientists who have devoted their life searching for nessie and ufos as well, this does not make them valid..

And historians who dispute the existence of Christ are few and far between. What is so hard to accept about there being a man who lived long ago in a time of great persecution and hardship who preached good will and peacefulness?

whether he was anything more than a nice guy is strictly up to someones beliefs.