Own Pictures Thread

my new shoes, I bought them today :D

he doesn't exist, he just IS (like a force)
Like deadly said, he isn't anything until you can prove it. If you know there is no conscious god out there, so be it. But don't tell us "There IS no God" when you don't truly have enough evidence or proof to show to back your statement. We've all got beliefs, it's curiosity:cry: There was actually a man named Jesus Christ that walked the earth around about 0bc, but you obviously know they reset the calendars and that jesus may not have been the same person that christians believe him to be, the son of god.
not really, there are also sources that say your sources lie, I know, I've looked them up a while ago when I was another discussion like this one

Dude, that's like saying saddam hussain, adolf hitler, didn't exist. The only person who can be proven to themselves is you, and you have to witness them in the flesh. Don't be so skeptic, it doesn't really matter if Jesus existed or not, just that the lie it has contributed to has destroyed the face of the earth
YEa I bought them at midday though
I bought some nikes:lol: I prefer having trainers that I can run around in with comfort and I wear them most of the time, even if people say they're my pals shoes, I don't care:p I like the punk boot things, or whatever they're called, but there's a time for hanging out with trainers, and converse don't quite do it for me
you can find "valid sources" telling you all manner of different things regarding history and they have no more evidence than the claims they are trying to refute. There are scientists who have devoted their life searching for nessie and ufos as well, this does not make them valid..

And historians who dispute the existence of Christ are few and far between. What is so hard to accept about there being a man who lived long ago in a time of great persecution and hardship who preached good will and peacefulness?

whether he was anything more than a nice guy is strictly up to someones beliefs.
yes, they may have searched for nessie but there isn't any of them that says that he has 100% conclusive evidence for it so the absence of proof is proof that nessie didn't exist. Same goes for Jesus. Why don't you give me something that proves he existed and I'll find you a source that contradicts that.

Like deadly said, he isn't anything until you can prove it. If you know there is no conscious god out there, so be it. But don't tell us "There IS no God" when you don't truly have enough evidence or proof to show to back your statement. We've all got beliefs, it's curiosity:cry: There was actually a man named Jesus Christ that walked the earth around about 0bc, but you obviously know they reset the calendars and that jesus may not have been the same person that christians believe him to be, the son of god.

Dude, that's like saying saddam hussain, adolf hitler, didn't exist. The only person who can be proven to themselves is you, and you have to witness them in the flesh. Don't be so skeptic, it doesn't really matter if Jesus existed or not, just that the lie it has contributed to has destroyed the face of the earth
I never said that God didn't exist, he's basicly the same as Satan (I've talked about that with you already on msn)
yes, they may have searched for nessie but there isn't any of them that says that he has 100% conclusive evidence for it so the absence of proof is proof that nessie didn't exist. Same goes for Jesus. Why don't you give me something that proves he existed and I'll find you a source that contradicts that.

I never said that God didn't exist, he's basicly the same as Satan (I've talked about that with you already on msn)

so you believe that God and Satan exist but not jesus.. ?

so you believe that God and Satan exist but not jesus.. ?


not really exist, they are more like a force, I'll post an explenation that I've posted on another forum:
As a Satanist ppl don't think that I believe in god but that's wrong. I do believe in him but not as the creator of all living things, he/it is just the balance with the dark force of nature (what we understand as Satan). He/it doesn't really exist, he/it just IS. An entity we can't begin to describe just like the force of nature. Some call him love, some call him something else. But what he really is, is the relation between every living thing, just like Satan is too. If any of the two would be missing, there would be no relationships of any kind because every relation is based on feelings, thoughts, etc. from one to the other. And without them there would be no balance between those causing the relation to break down.
We can actually call god whatever we want and create this whole illusion around him but we can't change what he/it is exactly nor can our minds comprehend it, we always try to explain but we can't so we give a certain image (the illusion) to him in hopes that it will be generally excepted.
So I hope all of you understand that it's not material, it's just an entity that we cannot possibly comprehend, only interpret