Own Pictures Thread

^ Ok, well, not that I give a fuck, but someone has to say it.... (just cuz I'm not a horny 'retard' who will settle for anything)... but I personally think yer ugly. You're not anyone to be acting all high and mighty and sexy to 'snub' the guys here, however losery they are :lol: No offense, I mean... if you don't like it here, then don't come. I know you were here first and all that but, try to refrain from posting pics, then when you get compliments call everyone retards and losers XD especially when yer not even overly attractive to begin with. (Not that it would be ok even if you were)
do I honestly care, no. I was not fishing for comments. I just posted for the hell of it only to find out how sad some of the guys are here. Everyone has their opinion of how people look so really it makes no difference for me. I don't think you great looking either so we are even :loco: I would not be posting here is the BH forum was not so slow, I have not been here for the past 2 months. I really try to avoid it
do I honestly care, no. I was not fishing for comments. I just posted for the hell of it only to find out how sad some of the guys are here. Everyone has their opinion of how people look so really it makes no difference for me. I don't think you great looking either so we are even :loco: I would not be posting here is the BH forum was not so slow, I have not been here for the past 2 months. I really try to avoid it

I know :lol: But BH is always dead.. in a perfect world there would be no CoBOT and BH would have a steady stream of posters but yeh, that's not so. And it's fine, I am ugly too so I don't mind you saying so, it means you have eyes that work XD so congrats :p and thanks for using the term "SOME of the guys", +1 respect :lol:

in other news, here's a picture of meeee!

cause it has MoonXplosion's seal of approval.