Own Pictures Thread

An old one when my hair was dyed random colours :lol:
Recent photo taken by a friend on his piece of shit mobile phone (hence why its so small :/). In an optional revision class in school (hence why I'm not in the shitty school uniform).

I look bored out of my fuckin' mind :rofl: (I want my hair back :cry: )


You're cute, really... but the hair cut :erk:

I want your hair back too :p
tits or... well, you know the drill.
:lol: She actually listened kinda, nice! :lol:

lol yeah we did, there was like a hobo in the yard, we were shooting him with airsoft guns, and i smoked for the first time :0 ha ha ha
Why were you shooting a hobo? I hope he comes back and rapes and kills your whole family.... you do know hobos are known for tha right? :lol:
An old one when my hair was dyed random colours :lol:
:oops: :oops: Beautiful! Eventhough I've seen this one before many times, it's always nice to see :D
damn you are fucking TINY
So is your dick, stfu! :p
The fact that he has to wear a school uniform is worse than his hair cut :lol:
never mind dude it will grow;) but why did you cut it if you dont like it that way?@Swabs
This lvk104 chick, she totally looks like my friend from third grade :zombie:

What's your real name lvk104 ?