Own Pictures Thread

yesterday i did what i promise and finally shaved:

It started like this:


Hitler moustache (?)


No moustache


With goatee and sideburns (i will probably use this when it grows back)


Soulpatch (?)


And finally, i turned out to be this freak:




any comments?


You have really gorgeous lips.
Florian is the snowy's real name :lol:, She looks like snowy or snowy looks like her ? Dunno who's older :lol:

Family :

damn your brother is hot. if you guys are ever in cali, let me know ;)

yesterday i did what i promise and finally shaved:



any comments?

I like this pic. You look so much hotter without all that messy facial hair. you should keep it this way.
Sometimes I dream others cut it, against my will and that is pretty bad in itself. But sometimes I dream that I want it short, but then I cut it and the feeling of regret is so real... it's aweful when I wake it, the feeling remains as if it actuallly happened.

I did too, several times. But it's started to bother me lately. I don't want to regret it though, so I'm letting the thought mature :)
My hair fukken bothers me too, a lot. I'm gonna cut is shorter, but never back to 'short' length.

yeah... i wake up all scared and shit :lol:

:lol: Same.