Own Pictures Thread

heh :p

As Samson and the Merovingians will attest, dreams of cutting hair can be another symbol of a loss of power. For men, it can even symbolize feelings of castration. Whereas dreams of hair falling out points to an insidious energy drain, dreams of having one's hair cut symbolize a much more aggressive type of power loss. In waking life, prisoners heads are often shaved to take away some of their identity.

Dreams of getting your hair cut, however, do not always mean a loss of power. Look at the dream and see who is cutting your hair. Is it a barber or hair dresser? If so, this may actually point to something which needs to be discarded, or a feeling of needing to rid yourself of something. However, if the haircut is performed by someone other than a professional, look at who that person is. You may feel as if that person is taking away something important from you.
I have dreams of balding sometimes. Those still scare the fuck outta me :S

I stopped having "omg deyr c00ting me hair" dreams after getting into college. Here, it's tradition to get your hair shaved when you go to university, but I escaped. Until that, though, I had terrible nightmares :\
Or maybe you ran out of arguments because you had none to begin with, so you started the whole "omg y00're gay" thing to make up for your lack of a brain.
okay master of all knowledge leandro..

please explain to us what exactly what dreams are, and why they cannot be anaylzed psychodynamically :)

edit: 5000 :p
okay master of all knowledge leandro..

please explain to us what exactly what dreams are, and why they cannot be anaylzed psychodynamically :)

edit: 5000 :p

Sure, as soon as you tell me what the fuck is this new science "psychodynamics" :p

Anyway. You're the one saying that dreams aren't just dreams and have interpretations. The burden of proof is YOURS :D

he's american, what did you expect?


Funny how it mentions freud's work, yet, dream analyzing is clearly freudian.

Either way, it might be scientific and sound, but that whole psychology+thermodynamics thing makes boltzmann turn in his grave.

it can't be disproved either, and I'm not a scientist or psychologist so there is no burden here :p

Can't be proven/disproven - doesn't exist until proven. Occam's razor. That is the burden of proof. If I say it's bullshit, it's not up to me to prove that statement, but to you to disprove it. Basic skepticism and scientific thought. Much disregarded these days.
still that's not proof that it does not exist.. it goes both ways, but when it comes down to it,

neither of us are going to prove shit tonite so i'm going to sleep :p<3
Can't be proven/disproven - doesn't exist until proven. Occam's razor. That is the burden of proof. If I say it's bullshit, it's not up to me to prove that statement, but to you to disprove it. Basic skepticism and scientific thought. Much disregarded these days.

That's very true. Have you studied propositional logic before? That comes from the Boolian stuff right?