Own Pictures Thread

Nice pic... but the flash erased almost all your face! :lol:

Like 90% of Rocksane's pic.

1) If you can't take insults, don't dish it out. Let me repeat that, IF YOU CAN'T TAKE INSULTS FROM OTHER PEOPLE HERE, THEN DO NOT INSULT OTHERS YOURSELF.

6) Quit whining to me about "so and so" insulting or bothering you, because when I get messages like this I check BOTH of your message posting histories, and most of the time you both feed off each other until someone gets tired of it. Don't come to me asking for help when your own hands are dirty, PERIOD.


Gonzerelli, I used to be referred to as a chick all the time when I had my long hair. I have a baby face and am entirely unable to grow facial pubes.

Welcome in the club! Well I don't have a baby face, but I'm shaped on a no-boobs-female body so...
Shit man, sorry I still dont have the usb cable :erk:, but you should post the pics of that convention, those ladies were just godamn fine :headbang:

Haha yeah... i forgot about those!

Some pics of Argentina Electronic Show 2007:

Teh gang!


Enjoying a massaging chair (and a really nice promoting chick :D)


Playing some Nine Inch Nails song...


FUCKING HEAVY METAL!!!! :kickass::kickass:


Me and Martin Palermo, one of my football heroes:


and finally, me and some random promoting bitches:




