Own Pictures Thread

:lol: Alexis' hair stole all the attention, but great pic stormy :p

Dude the fuck!!! I was checking out the Own Pics thread last night and stumbled across some of your pictures...then i went to sleep and dreamed i went by a fuckin boat to fucking Greece and you were there in a insanely big mansion living like a drug lord and then you were like "hey little shrimp!" And i was like "WTF" Then you fuckin blew up my boat and i was like "Dad is going to kill me" :lol: Then the dream ended...it was seriously fucked up!!!!:lol:

EDIT: I remember you were lying in a sun chair or wtf its called and drinking fucking champagne :lol: Ive actually had a dream about Heartless...oh noes...where am i going?:lol:
Hello everyone! I haven't been around here in a while, so it's time to pay my dues...

Combat Position

This is a cool pic, Gonzo!

Damn lovely pic of you!! Sorry but you make me wanna be hugged by you. :)

*comes back to life*



I didn't see these... you're gorgeous, black hair suits you a lot.


A pic I took a week ago
Nice pic, Roxane... and I hope you had a fun and nice birthday!

It's me when I still had long hair



And this is me with short hair :erk::erk::erk:

Hmm... I think that long hair suits you better, but I don't think your new haircut is bad anyway, to be honest.


From last night's epic bus party... too lazy to post all the other pics right now :lol:
Nice pic, Joe and it seems like you had a lot of fun... if so, I'm glad!
hmm well i think i was kinda freeked out :lol: me Like 3 or 4 weeks ago bored and buzzed :heh: kinda


you rule even drunk :oops: hawt

Dude the fuck!!! I was checking out the Own Pics thread last night and stumbled across some of your pictures...then i went to sleep and dreamed i went by a fuckin boat to fucking Greece and you were there in a insanely big mansion living like a drug lord and then you were like "hey little shrimp!" And i was like "WTF" Then you fuckin blew up my boat and i was like "Dad is going to kill me" :lol: Then the dream ended...it was seriously fucked up!!!!:lol:

EDIT: I remember you were lying in a sun chair or wtf its called and drinking fucking champagne :lol:

WTF dude :lol::lol:
Thank you Eli :) But I will party tonight at the foufounes électrique Bar :D I invited a lot of people, and 30 can go tonight :p

Alexi: Why did you cut your hair? Your first and third pics when you had long hair are funny :lol:
Dude the fuck!!! I was checking out the Own Pics thread last night and stumbled across some of your pictures...then i went to sleep and dreamed i went by a fuckin boat to fucking Greece and you were there in a insanely big mansion living like a drug lord and then you were like "hey little shrimp!" And i was like "WTF" Then you fuckin blew up my boat and i was like "Dad is going to kill me" :lol: Then the dream ended...it was seriously fucked up!!!!:lol:

EDIT: I remember you were lying in a sun chair or wtf its called and drinking fucking champagne :lol: Ive actually had a dream about Heartless...oh noes...where am i going?:lol:


Dude, I made two time a dream about board members :lol:


I now have the same picture I posted this week but bigger :lol:

I'm fat :lol:

It's me in one of my Art courses during the presentation of the project of a girl.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhsure :Smug: