Own Pictures Thread

^Hawt :kickass:

Teddy! :D


Fuck, you're still gorgous! And purple eye liner works for you.
Yes, Mima is very, very pretty. I love the long, thin nose... Plus, she looks very classy.

I do think, though, that the purple eyeliner makes it looks like she's been crying or a little stoned. Was it really eyeliner?
The fuck is the point of that. There's enough fucking animals being killed in farms and shit, there's no shortage of food in North America.

Where's the fun in taking the life of something that you didn't need to kill?

Well, I don't know about you. But I would take pride in the fact that I was able to
1. Shoot and kill
2. Track
3. Dress and prepare
4. Skin
5. Cook
the meal that sat before me at my dinner table. (Which is probably healthier than anything store bought due to the amount of preservatives in just about every food these days).
Well, I don't know about you. But I would take pride in the fact that I was able to
1. Shoot and kill
2. Track
3. Dress and prepare
4. Skin
5. Cook
the meal that sat before me at my dinner table. (Which is probably healthier than anything store bought due to the amount of preservatives in just about every food these days).

How is that something to be proud of when it's not a necessity. I mean if you NEEDED the food to survive, then fuck yeah, that is something to be really fucking proud of. But doing it for the hell of it, it is retarded to me. Don't give me that "it's healthier" bullshit too because that is utter nonsense. You don't know wtf that animal has, so you're risking lime disease or some shit.
How is that something to be proud of when it's not a necessity. I mean if you NEEDED the food to survive, then fuck yeah, that is something to be really fucking proud of. But doing it for the hell of it, it is retarded to me. Don't give me that "it's healthier" bullshit too because that is utter nonsense. You don't know wtf that animal has, so you're risking lime disease or some shit.

Well, I built my own computer.....for the hell of it, I replaced the spark plugs in my car....for the hell of it in, I plant my own vegetables in my garden...for the hell of it. None of it's necessary for me to do myself...but hey, what's the point in putting forth some extra effort and having pride in your work? While you are right about about an animal possibly having Lyme Disease, but like the whole industrial process is fool proof in the prevention of spreading diseases like e-coli, and salmonella, or ridding product of chemicals and pesticides. You'd probably shit a brick if you found out the acceptable levels of toxins like ammonia, titanium dioxide, and other ridiculous chemicals in the food you eat regularly. So, saying it's utter nonsense...is in fact...just plain ignorance. But anyway...this topic has strayed far enough...I can't change your mind...I'll keep doing whatever the fuck I do...so...how about something we can both agree on....drink a beer?
Well, I built my own computer.....for the hell of it, I replaced the spark plugs in my car....for the hell of it in, I plant my own vegetables in my garden...for the hell of it.

That's all good and well but nothing died in the process so that is ok with me :lol: It's not really the same thing, you see.

None of it's necessary for me to do myself...but hey, what's the point in putting forth some extra effort and having pride in your work? While you are right about about an animal possibly having Lyme Disease, but like the whole industrial process is fool proof in the prevention of spreading diseases like e-coli, and salmonella, or ridding product of chemicals and pesticides.

I never said the food is 100% safe from supermarkets but, odds are you can buy food from the grocery store your whole life and never get sick from it. Enough things died to give you the option to shop there, so why put up your nose at that just to go out and hunt an animals that you don't need to kill. If someone's life is that sad that they need to go kill an animal and eat it to feel good about themselves then :erk: There's literally THOUSANDS of other things a person can do that will give them the same satisfaction and sense of self pride they are seeking without taking a life. I'm not trying to sound like some pussy ass hippy :lol: I'm just saying my opinion, not that it's gonna change anyone's mind.

You'd probably shit a brick if you found out the acceptable levels of toxins like ammonia, titanium dioxide, and other ridiculous chemicals in the food you eat regularly. So, saying it's utter nonsense...is in fact...just plain ignorance. But anyway...this topic has strayed far enough...I can't change your mind...I'll keep doing whatever the fuck I do...so...how about something we can both agree on....drink a beer?

:lol: Not really true, not in Canada anyways, but I get your point. As far as drinking a beer well, I think we're doomed because I don't drink XD
its stupid to hunt nowadays anyway, the cows are already born genetic modified full of aids and cancer