Own Pictures Thread


open photoshop > place the tattoo pic on top of arm > levels > darken/lighten/overlay (or which fits best)

lol they are 2 nylon sleeves that i bought and about the shirt its what i wear when all my other work shirts are dirty
I just realised I never posted pics of me with some other people here... Well...at least then I don't remember. But...well, could be I already posted those pics here, dunno?
Sorry then...


This is my favorite picture of her and me...we look happy, I like it.:)


...we look.....crazy...


I think I already posted the last pic here, ...hm, I don't remember.
I love finding myself on photos on the intenet
Flooooo! First I thought "...wtf did he do to his hair?" and then I thought "...oh, wait...where is he? Huh? ...Ooohh, there!!" ...:p

The tattoos look cool but your hair...what did you doooo? Ahhh *kills* :p
Get your old hair back!! :mad:

it made me think of:

he's not okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! :erk:

pretty other pics though :p

ps: i like draz's sleeve-sleeves, i'm looking for something like that mahself :p

Hahah, Eviiii... you made me laugh hard. :lol:

Thaaank you, sweety... But, what? You want tattoos on your arm? NO, DON'T!!! ...or I'll come to Belgium and kick your ba...wait, you're a girl...you don't have that...whatever, then I'll come to Belgium and kick your...ass!! :mad:
Ok, some new pics for the lovely people of COBOT.

This shirt pwns at life.


Fuck Yeah! Tickets to Iron Maiden (tomorrow), Ozzy Osbourne (March 30th) and Helloween-Gamma Ray (April 11th)
