Own Pictures Thread

This is what happens when im drunk....:erk:

And dramaticly, THE PHENOM changes itself into BODOMONKEY's Avatar.

"Ok now, I will take a picture of you while you fuck your mind
away FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON so you won't remember
that tommorrow, but still you'll need to post it on a forum
because IT'S FUNNY.​

Well i didnt take the pic...i didn't honestly remember someone took that pic of me. It was last night tho :lol:

I got loads more pics but those are even uglier so i won't post :lol:
Look closely and you can see the other ppl in the mirror(how cool is that? :lol:)...that was pretty early on the party tho so not that many people had arrived i think.

Happy as hell :lol:

POSTJUMP... I think. :]

Ok, I will explain.


And dramaticly, THE PHENOM changes itself into BODOMONKEY's Avatar.

"Ok now, I will take a picture of you while you fuck your mind
away FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON so you won't remember
that tommorrow, but still you'll need to post it on a forum
because IT'S FUNNY.​


Isn't the original, I edited it. The original was:

"Take a pic of yourself and post it on a forum"


Well i didnt take the pic...i didn't honestly remember someone took that pic of me. It was last night tho :lol:

I got loads more pics but those are even uglier so i won't post :lol:

So I Edited my post.


Empty room is empty.

Than I post, quoting the last Phenom post, asking him if he's happy with the edit.

Look closely and you can see the other ppl in the mirror(how cool is that? :lol:)...that was pretty early on the party tho so not that many people had arrived i think.

Happy as hell :lol:

Phenom answers to Swabs' "Empty room is "repeat the first word because IT'S FUNNY""

Now you understand.

EDIT: OH NICE NEW PAGE SO NOW I SCREWED ALL THE WORK ON PREVIOUS PAGE, PEOPLE WILL SE PUNCHES HERE BEFORE VIEWIENG THEM ON LAST PAGE. And that's just for poeple who will go back cause there's people who are SURPRISINGLY not reading previous page, even if there's only 2-3 post on the last one.
^:lol: That was actually a good explanation.

Last pic from that night...this is after all that raping(Note: That beer is fuckin disgusting...the bitter "AFTERTASTE" was jut too "non-beerish" so fuck german beer)