Own Pictures Thread

no the ones I showed before were from the winter concert, this was the spring concert XD
i slayed some fuckers with my guitar


Lol thanks, I think it was a G actually, but I don't remember >.<

Sorry, I'm too dumb to read

Smart post editing... You could at least stop being pathetic.

Actually, even if the whole "MEMES GOES IN THIS EXACT SITUATION" annoy me REALLY MUCH, he's kind of right. There was no Facepalm implied.

To be honest, you wanting to use a facepalm at this moment deserve a facepalm.

Oops, I feel like I've been had >.< Made me laugh tho

That smile looks reeaally freaky lol. Whatcha playing in the pic, btw?

Nice pics everyone BTW
haha its Vivaldi's concerto in A minor, I was being dramtic with the lifts and rests, which is what this was.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Made me laugh pretty hard

I still remember playing that one lol, I was a funny kid at the time ^___^

Too bad I have no decent solo pics with the violin, cuz my camera died early in the year >___<
which is not a bad thing. Wiley Wiggins is pretty cute, especially in Dazed and Confused
Maybe so....but he's one of the worst actors I've ever seen.

...like that one scene when they're at the poolhall against the wall, and the kid halfass-facepalms like 12 times.....terrible. Just terrible.
Pics from yesterday. I was drunk, so don't start about the quality/stupid faces:lol:


His guitar was the awesomeness. (Shitty picture, but he had a blade on it)

Yes I drank too much.

I still have no idea who they were, but they were awesome.

THE pole.

METALTIMMEEEEEEH. (I tried to get a proper picture of him, but his wheelchair was too damn fast.)


Yes it was fun.