Own Pictures Thread

^Nice ones! Phagist rocks, and so do you! Dunno if late, early or what, but happy birthday anyway (now it's when I'll just click the COB Off Topic button and I'll see a thread dedicated to your birthday and I'll look like a moron :lol:).

BTW, how came that you're the only one holding bottled fun in the first picture?? :lol: (I can't really see what those are, but I supose that for your b-day dinner with your friends you won't be drinking apple juice :lol:).
I'm the only one holding the bottles cuz they were my b-day presents, haha. And it was the parking lot, so we didn't wanna bust out all the bottles.
-[chop]-;7444184 said:
Im not really sure but the little bottle looks like Jägermeister....

you are right my friend. My favoritist drink :oops: And its the original bottle from Germany that my friend got me back from her trip to Europe.

:lol: Please eat more food! Great pics but you're looking reeeeeeeeally skinny, I hope you had a big dinner!
:lol: dude, I can eat a bucket of lard and I wont gain any weight. Trust me, I eat a lot.

Pђoenix;7444437 said:
Thanks for the comments guys, certainly wasn't expecting that! :lol:

Loking good Mystique congrats, and FANTASTIC choice of shirt :oops:
fuck yeah! I also ordered both their cds with that shirt. about time I owned them :kickass:

You're just saying that beacuse you are fat. :)
:lol: yeah, that's probably why.
:lol: dude, I can eat a bucket of lard and I wont gain any weight. Trust me, I eat a lot.

Lol I seriously doubt it. For if your statement were true, you will have discredited basically every tried, tested, and trusted law of physics there is to date. Calories in > Calories out = weight gain. Do the math and eventually those buckets of lard will accomplish something (although probably not in an aesthetic fashion!)

But it's cool, all my friends say the same thing :D and being thin isn't a bad thing.
that's easy for you to say, pencil-woman!

if i can't fit in my favorite pants anymore, i'll kill myself... i have no weighing scale, i just want to fit in those goddamn pants :p
and now i still can, yet i hope i never need to pick something up from the floor :lol:
Yes, I'm a Hypocrisy fanboi, but mah new shirt pwns all of joo.

awesome, you don't see very many hypocrisy fangirls anymore
that's easy for you to say, pencil-woman!

if i can't fit in my favorite pants anymore, i'll kill myself... i have no weighing scale, i just want to fit in those goddamn pants :p
and now i still can, yet i hope i never need to pick something up from the floor :lol:

but logically speaking, if you are happy, then you wouldn't even care that you are fat, nor would you care about fitting into your pants. Just get the same pants in a bigger size or something. I'm just saying that being happy is worth it.
but logically speaking, if you are happy, then you wouldn't even care that you are fat, nor would you care about fitting into your pants. Just get the same pants in a bigger size or something. I'm just saying that being happy is worth it.

This is true, but also shouldn't be used as an excuse to be a lazy bitch. :p And I'm not saying anyone here is...

...or am I? *escapes*
:lol: dude, I can eat a bucket of lard and I wont gain any weight. Trust me, I eat a lot.

Same thing as me.

Lol I seriously doubt it. For if your statement were true, you will have discredited basically every tried, tested, and trusted law of physics there is to date. Calories in > Calories out = weight gain. Do the math and eventually those buckets of lard will accomplish something (although probably not in an aesthetic fashion!)

But it's cool, all my friends say the same thing :D and being thin isn't a bad thing.

I hear that a lot.

Even if I don't care, here's, somehow, why I can't gain any fat - good or bad ones:

but logically speaking, if you are happy, then you wouldn't even care that you are fat, nor would you care about fitting into your pants. Just get the same pants in a bigger size or something. I'm just saying that being happy is worth it.

logically speaking, being fat would make me very unhappy again, (even if that makes me a shallow person then)

they don't have them pants anymore, so i'm gonna have to go do some sports every once in a while, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh the horror :zombie:

but yeah, in fairytales, being happy is worth it... sadly, the only fat princess ever to go and be happy was a green monster :zombie::p