Own Pictures Thread

Why would i regret it? I like tattoos for the images and artistic look of them, so what if theres no real significant meaning behind it, its a really good design in my mind, its like all the people who get random flowers and animals, tribal designs, and weird little patterns on their lower back, ive just chosen to get an image from a band that ive enjoyed listening to for many years now, i could understand regretting it now and hating myself in later life for doing it if i got the bands name and shit tattooed on myself, because then it really is a fuck up like when you tattoo your girlfriend of a few months onto you. Like i said, i enjoy tattoos for how they look, yeah itd be great if it had a real meaning behind it like some people choose to get tattoos for but theres not lol, i just love the image bodom album cover or not lol.

And who cares what my skin goes like when im 40 or older lol, i like living my life in the present and not doing what i do to make sure im okay when im 50 odd.



Eh, it's the eyebrows really :lol:

Yeah, it took me a minute of two of browsing google images to see the similarity....i just meant I should probably shave in general. It looks pretty crappy, and it's itchy as balls. I was only growing it for shits and giggles until I left for the military.

Also: I keep my eyebrows neat and tidy :p
Hmm...I think it's more "nay". I think if you would have a beard on the sides, then it would look good. :) (like you already kinda had in the pictures before, just not so much hair under your chin and on your cheeks. ;))

And...god, no mustache! :p