Own Pictures Thread

Done yesterday, once its healed the red will look right cos atm its got the just done irritated skin and stuff around it, scythe isnt cut off nor the finger, just cant get a decent angle :$.

I can see the future

Ok, he's got enough shit already for his tattoo, he may deserve it :lol: But hey! Enjoy it while you like it dude!
I can see the future


Have fun with that in 40 years, it's gonna look great! :lol:

Ok, he's got enough shit already for his tattoo, he may deserve it :lol: But hey! Enjoy it while you like it dude!

just cuz you guys don't understand it, or appreciate it as he does, don't start telling him about regret and shit. a tattoo is basically forever, so he knows exactly what he did. there's not gonna be any regret.
that's mainly for the idiots who get their boyfriend/girlfriends' name tatted on them.

altho I've said this many times before I'll say it again: When you get a tattoo that represents a band, there really should be no reason for regret later in life. That particular tattoo will represent how you felt about that band at that certain time, and how much you appreciated the music they created then. Even the guys with the Metallica tats right now shouldn't regret it, cuz Metallica used to be one hell of band. No regrets when you know how much they meant to you at that time and the music they created then, at that specific time, can never be changed.
id love to have a tattoo but it really wont be taht great in 40 years time and its not removable even laser doesnt get it totally off
that's mainly for the idiots who get their boyfriend/girlfriends' name tatted on them.

altho I've said this many times before I'll say it again: When you get a tattoo that represents a band, there really should be no reason for regret later in life. That particular tattoo will represent how you felt about that band at that certain time, and how much you appreciated the music they created then. Even the guys with the Metallica tats right now shouldn't regret it, cuz Metallica used to be one hell of band. No regrets when you know how much they meant to you at that time and the music they created then, at that specific time, can never be changed.

You do realise that exact same argument applies for the idiots who get their boyfriends/girlfriends' name tatted on them?
:lol: yeah, I actually thought of that while typing that out.
The only difference I can think of right now is that with a band, they created music and when you play that music, you can experience that feeling again. When you break up with you bf/gf you can't exactly do the same.
that's mainly for the idiots who get their boyfriend/girlfriends' name tatted on them.

altho I've said this many times before I'll say it again: When you get a tattoo that represents a band, there really should be no reason for regret later in life. That particular tattoo will represent how you felt about that band at that certain time, and how much you appreciated the music they created then. Even the guys with the Metallica tats right now shouldn't regret it, cuz Metallica used to be one hell of band. No regrets when you know how much they meant to you at that time and the music they created then, at that specific time, can never be changed.

You do realise that exact same argument applies for the idiots who get their boyfriends/girlfriends' name tatted on them?
:lol: yeah, I actually thought of that while typing that out.
The only difference I can think of right now is that with a band, they created music and when you play that music, you can experience that feeling again. When you break up with you bf/gf you can't exactly do the same.
Uh, I bet you 100,000 you won't like much of the same things you like now in 30 years. These bands will be a distant memory, even if you do like the music still you probably won't even bother to listen. Think about it.
Uh, I bet you 100,000 you won't like much of the same things you like now in 30 years. These bands will be a distant memory, even if you do like the music still you probably won't even bother to listen. Think about it.

Uh, and are you saying this from experience? Have you already lived 50 years to prove this will happen? I guess you're forgetting that there are people like Derron who are much older than us and they still love metal, which was probably introduced to them while they were our age. Think about that.
Uh, I didn't say you won't like metal, I said you won't like a lot of the bands you do now (as much), because you will have listened to them so much that while still good in your mind, you won't get much from the music. I don't need to have lived 50 years to have enough godamn common sense to know I might not feel as strongly in the future about something I love now. Jesus, I used to like ketchup a lot, now I hate it, and guess what, in a few years I might like it again, tastes changes. But if I had a big fucking Heinz tattoo I'd feel like an asshole.

P.S. I bet if you asked Deron/anyone older they'd say while they still enjoy the bands they loved in their youth, they don't listen to them as much/at all anymore. Fuck I don't even need to ask anyone, going from my own experience I still like Disturbed, Slipknot, all that shit, I just don't listen anymore because I moved on to new shit and I already listened to those songs a lot. Once in a while I might listen to a tune and enjoy it, but not enough to justify having a tattoo, which btw would have seemed like a great idea when I was 14. I COULD HAVE HAD DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS TATOOED ON MY BACK YEEEEEEEEAHH!
Uh, I didn't say you won't like metal, I said you won't like a lot of the bands you do now (as much), because you will have listened to them so much that while still good in your mind, you won't get much from the music. I don't need to have lived 50 years to have enough godamn common sense to know I might not feel as strongly in the future about something I love now. Jesus, I used to like ketchup a lot, now I hate it, and guess what, in a few years I might like it again, tastes changes. But if I had a big fucking Heinz tattoo I'd feel like an asshole.

P.S. I bet if you asked Deron/anyone older they'd say while they still enjoy the bands they loved in their youth, they don't listen to them as much/at all anymore. Fuck I don't even need to ask anyone, going from my own experience I still like Disturbed, Slipknot, all that shit, I just don't listen anymore because I moved on to new shit and I already listened to those songs a lot. Once in a while I might listen to a tune and enjoy it, but not enough to justify having a tattoo, which btw would have seemed like a great idea when I was 14. I COULD HAVE HAD DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS TATOOED ON MY BACK YEEEEEEEEAHH!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: ok, I understand what you're saying. And that is probably the case for 90% of people. BUT I will always admire Bodom for who they were/are (if they're still around years from now). Getting a tattoo in honor of something so meaningful to you is worth it. And anyway this is a conversation all about opinion once again. There are different types of people-- some live spontaneously and do what other might think is stupid and careless, and then there are the more careful, meticulous types. Honestly, who cares. If he's happy with it, let him be happy.

p.s. if you're comparing this to ketchup, you honestly don't know the depth of meaning music can have. After all, you listen to A LOT of bands. It makes me question if you hold the same value to music as other people who are more selective of what they listen to. I mean, yeah, of course music means a lot to you. But it's not the same level of appreciation those others have.
BUT I will always admire Bodom for who they were/are.
Are you saying this from experience? Have you already lived 50 years to prove this will happen? :p

There are different types of people-- some live spontaneously and do what other might think are stupid and careless
Ah, they people who get their gf/bf's names tattooed...

and then there are the more careful, meticulous types.

Yes, the people who get bands tattoos :p Gotcha! ;)

Honestly, who cares. If he's happy with it, let him be happy.

The real truth, but we're just saying there's a good chance he won't be in the future, or at least he will not be as happy about it as he is now.