Own Pictures Thread

Excess said:

You guys must be related :p

Noble Viking said:
You guys must be related :p


Haha yeah it's not impossible, I've got a bunch of relatives in Finland you know! My mom's finnish haha.

See if I can have a chat with him for my (upcoming, still under construction) website so we can solve it out :p They're coming here next year so why not hahaha.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
I put him on Ignore a long long time ago because he doesn't adapt and is a fucking cunt. Recommend it to you too. His comments are nothing worthwile anyway.

@Yanko+Cris: Oh the sweetness! :D Now get a room :oops:

Hey, this Alexis Dude is really really cool, he's a nice down to earth guy wich is so cool to me, i think you would NEED to meet him, you can't judge a book by his cover right?, perhaps his comments ain't worthwile sometimes but hey!, who's perfect!, and he does adapt to anything!!! ^^

Dream Theater- Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from a Memory -06- Beyond This Life