Own Pictures Thread

The amounts of faggotry in this next picture are so huge that I won't even explain why it was taken, be prepared....


:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

IS that you ?

BTW my love is like a red rose either :oops::oops::oops:
Dude, no. Even if you did weigh 150lbs, then you must be short. Don't be in denial. I'm not holding your weight against you, I'm fat too :D But yeah.

Meh. I used to weigh something along the lines of 160-165. I've lost a lot of weight during the past month, due to eating practically nothing from being sick. :erk:

I admit, I have a very... robust face, to say the least. :lol: But frame-wise, I'm actually pretty thin, or at least now I am.
The blur in this image is a great effect on this particular pic :lol:
I know right :lol:

You want her to say that she can support a full bottle of vodka and not you who's like 2 time her size? lol


Is that your place on the pics?

Yuck, I would never drink a bottle of VODKA that size. Jager on the other hand is another story....

Yes, that's my house. I decided to call a few friends over cuz my parents had gone out to some show in Hollywood that night, so I figured they'd come home really late. They came home at 3 and caught us all drunk + I had called over this older guy I liked and they were like "wtf is he doing here?" It wasn't good.

And I'm sowwy....I was taking a break from writing. GP is so frustrating sometimes!!
Not me alone, but there was 4 or 5 of us, and we finished 2 of those flavored Smirnoff ones.
We were playing king's cup!

I feel bad for your friend who had to drink it.

My roommate got saddled with the king's cup at one point last year, and after drinking it, he somehow wound up in a half-fetal position sucking his big toe. It was rather disgusting.

You want her to say that she can support a full bottle of vodka and not you who's like 2 time her size? lol

First off, it was rum for me, not vodka. Second, yes, because the day I meet a woman who is half my size and can outdrink me, I will :OMG: and then hang my head in shame.

Although, to be fair, drinking an entire bottle of vodka/rum/whiskey in under 90 minutes would probably be enough to KO just about anyone, except maybe Andre the Giant. Thus, a more fair test might be necessary