Own Pictures Thread


Before.....and after (Im on the right)
It is. Left was at Yaron's (top, second from left) bar mitzvah, right was last night...first time we've all been in the same room together since then
i don't come from Dutchland and i know it's with an s... me = winner :cool:

Before.....and after (Im on the right)
i love those kind of pics, awrsome

you look the best though... + your friend has developed some kind of sweating problem... :ill:, or he just ran a marathon
2.) I got faaaaaaaaaar too drunk last night, smashed into a wall in my house, pee'd myself (for the first time ever) and now I have a face full of scars that I'm going to have to explain to my family during thxgvn....and I have a family photo (the 3 kids) scheduled for tomorrow.

Fuck, I hate myself.

HAHAHA bro i'm so sorry. Really, i've came into school with bruises around my hip once after a night of drinking gin and had no idea i was hit with a flying folding chair till my fat bastard friend's mom told me. Honestly i hope your face heals up quick. If you have/find/look for (hint hint) sodium chloride irrigation solution, clean the scrapes with it and keep it covered.